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继法国、荷兰等国之后,德国也考虑有条件禁止穆斯林女性在公家机构、学校或法庭等公开场合穿戴布卡(burqa)。奥地利外交部长库尔茨(Sebastian Kurz)日前也表示,考虑禁止包括老师在内的公务员,在工作时穿戴穆斯林头巾。

不过库尔茨的这项政策立即遭来当地穆斯林团体的抨击,奥地利女性穆斯林(IMOe)主席拉维(Omar Al-Rawi)就指控他的这项政策是出于他自身政治利益考量,这是对穆斯林女性的歧视,她必将抗争到底。奥地利穆斯林宗教社群(IGGiOe)也指控这项政策传达错误讯息,是反整合、歧视的作法,要求奥地利政府撤回这项政策,否则将影响未来该组织与政府间的合作。1060110



European court upholds mandatory swimming lessons for Muslim girls



The European Court of Human Rights has upheld a decision by Swiss authorities to fine a Muslim couple who refused to allow their daughters to attend mandatory swimming classes during school hours. 


In 2010, the parents - Swiss nationals of Turkish origin - were fined CHF1,400 ($1,382) in the first move of its kind after they withdrew their daughters aged seven and nine from the school swimming lessons. They also lost their appeal at a cantonal administrative court a year later.


The Basel court stated that it was greatly “in the public interest that all children, including girls of the Muslim faith, go to school swimming lessons”. This was not only so that they should learn to swim but also because such lessons encouraged socialisation and integration, it continued.


Sound legal basis


The European Court of Human Rights' decision described the parents as “fervent practitioners of the Muslim religion”.

The parents had said it was against their religious convictions to send their children to mixed swimming classes and that it violated Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights on the freedom of religion. They argued the school had rejected their request for their daughters to attend single sex swimming classes in another school.

In their defence the parents said although the Koran does not call for the female body to be covered until puberty, their beliefs “required them to prepare their daughters for precepts that would be applicable from puberty”. The burkini would not help solve the problem because it would stigmatise their daughters, they said.

The court noted that while the decision “constituted an interference with the freedom of religion”, it nevertheless considered swimming lessons part of the compulsory school curriculum in the canton and this obligation “was based on a sufficiently sound legal basis”. 

It ruled that the “consequences of the measure were mitigated by the accompanying measures (changing rooms and separate showers, and the wearing of the burkini)”.

This was not the first time that Swiss courts had to intervene in such issues. In 2015, a district court in canton St Gallen had fined a Muslim man, a Bosnian national, for refusing to let his daughters attend school swimming lessons. He too lost his appeal in a cantonal court a year later.




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