深度分析:为了我们的家园,为了孩子的未来,请投票 (ZT)

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We Need To Come Out To Vote Even In Deep Blue States 

By Pujie Zheng
A friend said: “Our votes make no difference because all votes will be counted to Democratic here in California.  … I respect you [another friend] to share with us your disciplined votes to libertarians.”

I cannot disagree more with him on either of his points.

First, certainly, in California, Trump has no chance, as we already have a permanent Democratic majority and have become Clinton’s model for the future of our country. Her real goal in life is to turn the entire United States into California or Europe, where reason is abandoned in the wholesale fashion. We see Europe degenerating quickly into socialism, chaos, and then serfdom, as Hayek has eloquently stated in The Road To Serfdom. It is happening right before our eyes, but the majority of the Europeans (at least the continental Europeans) are not seeing it.

I have heard many elitists (including those few Republican elitists) say that this election represents a populist revolt, embodied in the person of Donald Trump. Of course, they said that in a seriously derogatory way, as the elitists have got used to look down on everyone outside the establishment.

Just take a look at the campaign today. Clinton, who have clearly violated slews of federal laws, was supported by the president (who himself is calling for illegal immigrants to come out to vote illegally), and the entire Democratic establishment, while Trump is supported by his family and a few friends. The Republican establishment is sitting this one out, as the elder Bush has voted for Clinton and the younger may go that way also.

What these people want is an establishment-run nation, where neo-racism (let me call today’s racism neo-racism to distinguish the-white-against-black Jim Crow racism) is used by the big-government establishment against those who still have intact families. First and foremost is the Asian families. A study in 2013 shows that 72% of births to black women, 53% to Hispanic women, 29% to white women, and 17% to Asian, were outside of marriage, when the big government successfully broke down the black and Hispanic families as predicted by Democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan in the 1960s.

You may want to say: I don’t see Democrats being that evil. What is the purpose of them breaking down the families? The purpose is that broken families do not educate their children properly, helping their effort of dumbing down the America people, as ignorant people are easy for them to manipulate.

The Chinese is an interesting voting block. More than 70% of the Chinese voted for Obama (the number is 80% in California) in 2012. We certainly tried to belong, to belong to the cool, to belong to the great establishment, and to belong to the powerful, but the establishment is using neo-racism against the Chinese.

Many studies have pointed out that the complicated (and secret) college enrollment rules did not reduce the entrance of the white people. The increase of the blacks and Hispanics are almost exclusively contributed by the Chinese, and other Asians. It is a purposeful effort reduce the future of the Chinese. The trend in the Chinese community is that we should just do that much better in educating our kids so they could go to better colleges. We should ask why our kids should take the neo-racism handed down by the elite establishment.

Certainly, the victims are definitely not only the Chinese. The entire university system are destroying the potential of the blacks and Hispanics by enrolling them to the tier of the colleges that they don’t belong. The idea is very simple. When better colleges deny the entrance of the Chinese (as well as other racially unfavorables) in favor of the less qualified blacks and Hispanics, they don’t deny the entrance of the best Chinese but the worst, and accept the blacks and Hispanics who are below them in academic abilities. That creates a gap between the favored race (the blacks and Hispanics) and the disfavored race (the Asians and whites), as well as the difficulties for the favored race (the blacks and Hispanics) to learn at same level of the disfavored race (the Asians and whites). As better colleges steal the students from next level colleges, each colleges would do the same. The result is that the entire system enrolls the favored race (the blacks and Hispanics) into colleges that they are ill-suited for. That denies the normal development of their abilities.

Of course, since the establishment is making sure that the American companies export manufacturing jobs to foreign countries (by over-regulating and over-taxing companies in the U.S., while not enforcing the international trade treaties that protects the American companies) and now research and development jobs to foreign countries (by not allowing more than $2 trillions cash held by the U.S. companies to enter the U.S. without hefty taxes), they are forcing the U.S. companies to build R&D centers abroad, denying job opportunities to American kids with diplomas.

When the ignorant kids with diploma could not find jobs and are frustrated, they need to direct their frustration and anger to someone. The establishment threw out Wall Street, while the establishment itself enhances the welfare state, pushing the kids into the broken family structure.

People not seeing a bright future would not worry about their future. Want evidence? Just look at the rampant increase of sexually transmitted diseases among the young. They are not taking care of themselves. At least, they are not being responsible. Who needs to be responsible when there is a nanny state to take care of them. It takes a village, remember? Individuals are powerless.

What the establishment wants is an ignorant people completely relying on the government for handouts and vote for government to give them free money. The establishment wants a people who would not ask simple questions, such as: where are the money going to come from in the first place? They absolutely hate any who dare to say that the emperor has no clothes on.

I have heard often that the only cool thing to do is to vote for the establishment. Voting for Trump is not cool, (as if the angry grandma dancing with Jay-Z, who chanted the F-word, N-word, and B-word, is somehow cool). They do this because the ignorant society is buying into this.

Just like a friend of mine told me so eloquently the other day, if they put up a pig, the pig will defeat Trump in California. However, there is a silver lining to all of this. The establishment as a political machine is micro-analyzing the votes as they micro-target their get-out-of-vote effort (micro means house-by-house). In order to form the ignorant majority, they have to make sure that, to some degree, no block of people would be offended into revolt. That means, even we lose the election, each and every vote would count.

If we vote for Trump, we will send a clear message to the establishment that we are not going to sit here and allow the neo-racists to discriminate us. (Don’t worry, when we do it, the machine will try to understand why we voted for Trump.) Next time when they pass laws aimed at discriminating us, they would have to think twice.

Second, our political system is rigged in many ways. One of the ways is that the only candidates that have any chance to win are from the big two. A vote to the third party candidate is a wasted vote. If you vote for a third party candidate, to the establishment, you are an ignorant. They would ignore your voice.

Therefore, we need to come out to vote on Tuesday, and vote for Trump, even when we know that, in the Democratic California, we have no chance to win. If we don’t vote, we make a statement that we want no power and want to be discriminated upon by the neo-racists.


First published on November 6, 2016
Pujie Zheng is an attorney in Los Angeles.

Contact information:
For discussions: http://www.facebook.com/pujie.zheng
For past articles: http://pujielaw.blogspot.com/


Yas! -lwei- 给 lwei 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/06/2016 postreply 14:55:20

对,投票去 -sibagn- 给 sibagn 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/06/2016 postreply 14:56:31

+1 -Sammy2021- 给 Sammy2021 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/06/2016 postreply 14:58:04



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