【深度分析】希拉里自掘坟墓, 越挖越深

来源: woyawoya 2016-11-01 16:41:36 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (12650 bytes)
Hillary Clinton, The Incompetent Lawyer, Is Digging Her Own Grave
By Pujie Zheng
All lawyers know that humans are humans. The effect of the human factor should never be ignored.
After Jim Comey’s announcement of restarting the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s email matters, Clinton adopted the wonderland strategy of blaming the cops (i.e., Cromey) for her crimes. Even after Obama vouched for Comey yesterday, Clinton kept up the attack.
Clinton certainly knows her problems, but she is in clear denial and appears to have forgotten all the Wikileaks emails, which alone could have shown her culpability.
Clinton, as a lawyer herself, should know that intimidating the FBI at this time is absolutely stupid. I was shocked about her initial response and am still in shock that nobody appears have changed her decision.
The logic here is simple. Before she blames the FBI agents, who were already squeezed by Obama and Lynch, and by their private positions and public positions, for having a political ulterior motives in launching the investigation (Clinton should have the good sense to know that this is not the case – see my earlier article for a more detailed analysis, but I serious worry whether she is completely delusional now), she should ask her this question: what would the FBI agents think about her accusation? Any FBI agent who is a human being would try their damndest to find something so their innocence could be proven through indicting Clinton, right? If the FBI fails to find anything, the entire Clinton machine would be on them, right?
The question for everyone is: why does Clinton want to drive the FBI into a corner so the bureau would try its damndest to do damage to her?
It is a clear case of lacking professional judgment (lawyer’s), but also a show of the mental state of the entire Clinton campaign.
For instance, yesterday on MSNBC, Jim Carville (also a lawyer) said, “The House Republicans and the KGB are trying to influence our democracy.” Wait a minute. The House Republicans campaigning for their reelection are somehow wrongfully attempting to “influence our democracy?” How delusional are these people?
Carville did not finish with that: “Comey was acting in concert and coordination with the House Republicans.” If there is any collusion, it is with the Obama administration under the influence of Obama and Lynch. There is no chance that Comey is colluding with the Republicans for political purposes on this one. Clinton knew it; Carville knew it; Obama knew it; Lynch knew it; American people knew it. At the very least, Carville had no evidence of collusion.
After finding some 650,000 emails in Wiener’s computer and a series of events, the FBI was squeezed into making the investigation public (analyzed in an earlier article).
Carville also said yesterday, “We also have the extraordinary case of the KGB being involved in this race and selectively leaking things from the Clinton campaign that they hacked.”
It is Podesta’s big mouth and his reckless clicking of a button from a questionable email that caused the leak. Also, if these people want to stop the continuous trickling of Wikileaks emails, all they need to do is to publish all Podesta’s emails before March. Then, there would be nothing that Wikileaks could publish. Why don’t they?
The funniest of all is their attempt to connect Trump to the Russian government, as Harry Reid’s letter to Comey yesterday said:
“In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government — a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States, which Trump praises at every opportunity. The public has a right to know this information.”
The public has the right to know? OK. According to today’s The New York Time, unnamed “law enforcement officials” (note the plural form of the noun) said that the FBI has actually looked into the matter for much of the summer, and even chased a lead, but found nothing.
OK, Harry, are you happy now?
I have no idea why they want to corner the FBI at every step, forcing the FBI to act against them, while painting their own FBI as part of a Republican conspiracy.
So far, Clinton has squeezed the FBI into restarting and announcing the investigation of her violation of some 20 U.S. Codes. (See earlier articles for analysis.) That was Friday. Now, today, they have successfully squeezed the FBI into coming out to clear Trump.
They don’t have the basic sense that when they squeeze Comey into a corner, Comey has to do something not good to them. Why are they trying so hard to make the FBI do bad things to them, when the Clinton campaign is made up of a mother load of lawyers?
Why don’t Clinton (or her people) think in Comey’s shoes? With his agents threatening resigning in protest (mostly for being forced to be punch bags for Clinton’s political operatives), Comey had to act to stop a resignation stampede. When Obama heard this, his hands were also forced. Obama had to pick a side. If he picked Clinton’s side, the entire FBI mess would be dumped on him. Being a super smart guy with eight years of on-the-job training, Obama chose to let Clinton have it, so he publicly sided with his FBI director.
We are a nation that legal matters are left mostly to the legal professionals. Clinton, a lawyer (I wonder how successful she was in the private practice as a corporate lawyer), should have the sense at least to hire herself a competent criminal counsel to wade through these matters for her so she would not be so busy shooting herself in the foot (or, more appropriately, digging her own grave).
The problem is that this is just the beginning. Now, with the warrant in hands and backed into a corner, the FBI is going through those 650,000 emails, which, since the FBI agents had already known their meta tags, they should know where they should go to find the most damaging evidence against Clinton.
From the Wikileaks emails, Podesta (also a lawyer) clearly knows how problematic or even scary Clinton is (his daughter told him that much). If I were Podesta, I would have long recommended Clinton to focus on her own criminal matters. Dragging the country down with her mess is not the smart move.
To look at this from another angle, Clinton’s success in the polls reflects the state of our nation. She decided to double down because she believed that sufficient people would respond to her highly tuned button pressing (to stimulate people’s hatred against one another and use their hatred to her political advantage). The polls more or less reflected that as Clinton’s support has not budged much.
Other than running on Obama’s record, Clinton basically has run a negative campaign. The latest accusation Clinton threw at Trump is that he has a “hair-trigger” temper, as she said in Ohio, “When the president gives the order, that’s it. There’s no veto for congress. No veto by the Joint Chiefs. The officers in the silos have no choice but to fire. And that can take as little as four minutes.” (We are not going to discuss here whether the number of minutes should be kept as a national security secret.)
Clearly she is betting on that her supporters would not examine her judgment (having Huma Abedin, who has a net worth of $2 million according to press reports, as her assistant who made a copy of all email communications, some of them probably illegally, behind her back, and put them on the computer she shared with her estranged perv husband Anthony Wiener, who clearly has access), her temper (throwing a dictionary at her president husband when the Secret Services agents were around), her wisdom (blaming Comey for her own problems), or her health. Anyone who still has doubts about her ability should read her effort on socialist universal care, which was a fiasco. (By the way, when she becomes the president, what is going to stop her from pushing for the single payer option, which was the core of her earlier attempt?)
Clinton has paid for massive focus group studies to give her the best button to push to make one group of Americans hate another (the poor against rich, one race against another, women against men) while waving the “Stronger Together” slogan, and direct the hatred energy against Trump.
It is a shame that the government-controlled monopolistic educational system has trained the Americans like dogs, to emotionally respond to those signals without substance.
We do not need to go far to see the evidence. Yesterday, a reader commented: “Donald Trump … can only represent some rage and ignorant Americans.” Earlier, a reader called Trump “racist pig” and said that “Most trump supporters don't even have half a brain.” I am sure that he considered me as one of those without half a brain.
I only wonder whether they have read anything other than those published by Clinton’s propaganda machine, e.g., The New York Times, CNN, CBS, ABC, or NBC.
A balanced mind would reach for and examine all evidences, not just ones making them feel good, especially when such feel-good response is beaten into people by the government-run brainwashing machine, also known as the public educational system.
Clinton’s staunchest supporters are the young, who (35 and under) are supporting her 2-to-1. Just look at what she is doing to you. The government laid heavy student loans on the young people. The politicians fixed the law so even bankruptcy could not lift that burden from the shoulders of the young, who, by Obamacare, were forced to pay for healthcare that they don’t need. In the meantime, they were taught by the educational system to believe in socialism, a system that would lead quickly to either fascism or communism, and should stay put on the ash heap of history.
I heard people say that we are living in an increasingly visceral world. I hate to think that means that we, as a people, and especially the young, have given up independent thinking, but the evidence is not optimistic. The young people today, with Clinton and her crowd as delusional as they are today, still support her. They could not see that they are putting themselves at risk, and by voting for her put our entire nation at risk.
We are at a dangerous time. One should only compare the visceral young of today, with the visceral young of those right before the French Revolution, or the Chinese Cultural Revolution. History is repeating itself, right before our eyes. But the young could not see it, because the schools only teach them the wonderful world of socialism.
Today, we need President Trump, an outsider who has promised his voters that he would drain the Washington swamp and reform the educational system, more than any time in our 240-year history.
First published on November 1, 2016
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For discussions: http://www.facebook.com/pujie.zheng
For past articles: http://pujielaw.blogspot.com/


俗话说得好, 一个慌言, 要十个来掩盖。 真替她累 -秋晨- 给 秋晨 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/01/2016 postreply 16:45:23

累也是她自找的. -寻梦千里- 给 寻梦千里 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/01/2016 postreply 16:50:01

希望稀婆的坑再深些,把侯塞因一起给埋了! -寻梦千里- 给 寻梦千里 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/01/2016 postreply 16:46:47



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