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Turkey on course to join EU in year 3000,insists David Cameron

By Press Association 22 May 2016



Turkey is on course to join the European Union in the year 3000 on its current rate of progress, David Cameron said, as he launched a brutal attack one of his own ministers.
The Prime Minister attacked Penny Mordaunt's claims that Britain had no veto over Turkish accession to the 28-member bloc as "misleading" and "absolutely wrong".
Turkey is set to join the EU in the next eight years and the UK will be unable to block the move, the Armed Forces Minister had insisted.
But Mr Cameron told ITV's Peston on Sunday: "The Leave campaign are making a very misleading claim."
Asked if Ms Mordaunt had been wrong to say Britain would not be able to veto its membership, he replied: "Absolutely wrong. Let me be clear, Britain and every other country in the European Union has a veto on another country joining. That is a fact, and the fact that the Leave campaign are getting things as straightforward as this wrong should call in to question their whole judgment in making the bigger argument about leaving the EU."
Pressed on whether she was qualified to remain in government, the prime minister told the programme: "Her responsibilities are in the Ministry of Defence, she is doing a very good job.
"But on this question of whether of not we have a veto, the Leave campaign are wrong."
Mr Cameron added: "It is not remotely on the cards that Turkey is going to join the EU any time soon. They applied in 1987. At the current rate of progress they will probably get round to joining in about the year 3000 according to the latest forecasts."
包括英国最大连锁超市特易购(Tesco)、圣斯伯利(Sainsbury’s)、玛莎百货(Marks & Spencer)及特力屋(B&Q)等零售商的前执行长也联名发表文章警告,脱欧将对英国经济造成灾难性的影响,不仅物价上涨,通膨率升,就业机会丧失,英镑汇价也会走贬。
脱欧阵营代表团体Vote Leave今天指出,未来包括土耳其、阿尔巴尼亚、塞尔维亚、马其顿及黑山成为欧盟正式会员后,将造成大量非法枪支流入欧盟,许多罪犯将进入英国,造成治安败坏,犯罪率升高。
Vote Leave同时指出,土耳其入欧盟后每年约有14万2000名土耳其公民进入英国,2014年土耳其的出生率每1000人为17.4%,英国为12.1%,土耳其移民一旦进入英国,未来10年英国国家医疗保健服务(NHS)为孕妇提供的医疗服务将花费4亿英镑。


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