
来源: 互联网 2016-03-17 17:42:04 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (2585 bytes)


In December, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump trumpeted their admiration for each other. But now Putin figures as a villain in the Trump campaign's attack ad on Hillary Clinton, and the Kremlin doesn’t like it one bit.


“We assess this negatively,” Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday when asked about the video Trump posted to Instagram a day earlier, according to Russia Today.

“It's no secret that the demonization of Russia, unfortunately, is an essential feature of the American election campaign,” Peskov told reporters. He said he had seen the brief video but was not sure if Putin had seen it.


Until Wednesday’s video, relations between Trump and the Kremlin seemed as warm as ever. Just Sunday, Dmitry Kiselev, a reliable state television stand-in for the angriest voices inside the Kremlin, praised Trump and said that Russia-haters in the United States were trying to knock the front-runner off his perch.


“Top Republicans usually abuse the state budget trying to scare everyone off with Russia, but Trump is trying to find a common language with Russia,” said Kiselev, who once famously said that Russia had enough nuclear firepower to turn the United States into “radioactive ash.”


"It looks like they are trying to remove Trump from the campaign with all possible stupid-but-reliable methods,” Kiselev said. The bromance between Putin and Trump started so promisingly — even if part of the attraction was fueled by a bit of a mistranslation. (The best relationships keep a bit of mystery to them.) Putin was widely reported to have said in December that Trump was “a very brilliant person, talented without any doubt.” In fact, Putin said that Trump was “colorful,” not “brilliant.”


At the time, Trump responded with apparent delight. “It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,” he said.


In debates, Trump has said he would get along with Putin a lot better than President Obama has. Later, he said that Putin had called him a "genius," kicking up the mistranslation a notch.



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