
来源: 互联网 2016-03-15 11:41:46 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (12292 bytes)

刚看到城头的新闻,环球网也登了: 美国人“倒普”示威,居然打出毛主席语录。换个角度,这是不是在说“倒普”运动也可以认为是新时代美国版本的文革,应予全面否定?那依《环球时报》的逻辑,中国官方应该和特朗普的立场站一起才对呀?



(环球时报社评 2016-03-14)

美国大选共和党参选人特朗普原定11日晚在芝加哥举行竞选造势大会,引发数千名支持者和抗议者的对峙,后造势活动被迫取消,经警方介入才平息事态, 有多人被捕。支持不同竞选者的选民发生肢体冲突,完全容不下对方,这通常是发展中社会大选时的表现,如今美国的选举也出现火药味十足的“群众斗群众”,非 常有冲击力。





特朗普现象可谓揭开了美国社会思想动荡的盖子。据分析,他的主要支持者是美国下层白人群体,他们对金融危机以来的美国感觉“受够了”。美国一直有着 西方最庞大,也最稳固的中产阶级,但这些年美国的中产阶级在分化,少部分人向上运动,更多的人向下出溜,生活窘迫得越来越不像中产阶级。


特朗普来得正是时候。他嘴大,反传统,说话骂骂咧咧,经常把要“揍谁”“抽谁”挂在嘴上,民粹主义得让支持人们感觉很过瘾。大选多数时候改善不了人 们的命运,这已是美国人的经验,那还不如借这个机会出口气,于是支持特朗普的人越来越多,形成了上文学者们所指的“弄假成真”。

一名种族主义者在美国政坛的崛起也给世界上带来不安。美国政治通常是可预测的,但特朗普代表了“各种可能性”和“不可预测性”。特朗普在国际上“谁 都骂”,好像是敢动真格,甚至“敢动核武器的主”,国际上现在不断有人把他类比成“墨索里尼”或者“希特勒”。这些声音既来自西方,也来自发展中国家。








China paper says rise of ‘racist’ Trump shows democracy is scary

By Simon Denyer March 14

Mussolini and Hitler came to power through elections, China’s Global Times reminded readers Monday. Now an “abusively racist and extremist” candidate is on the rise in the United States, it says. Maybe democracy isn’t such a good idea after all.

In an editorial Monday, China’s state-owned Global Times newspaper used Donald Trump’s rise to gloat about the fault lines in U.S. society and to argue that democracy was both a waste of time -- and downright scary.

From the rise of a “narcissistic and inflammatory candidate” to the violence that surrounded his planned rally in Chicago, the paper said it was shocking this could happen in a country that “boasts one of the most developed and mature democratic election systems” in the world.

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Fistfights between supporters of rival parties might be common in developing countries during election season, it wrote, but in the United States?

Trump, it said, has opened a Pandora’s box.

The candidate’s supporters, it noted, are mostly lower-class whites who lost a lot after the 2008 financial crisis. “The U.S. used to have the largest and most stable middle class in the Western world, but many are going down.”

Unwritten, but implied: The argument that China survived that financial crisis in much better shape, and its middle-class is rising.

Ignored: The argument that trade with China after it entered the World Trade Organization caused manufacturing jobs to hemorrhage from middle America, and the fact that China is still grappling with the delayed aftershock from the financial crisis, as its economy struggles under a growing mountain of debt.

But, back to the point-scoring.

Then, the paper described the emergence of Trump, “big-mouthed” and the "perfect populist" to provoke the public.

“Despite candidates’ promises, Americans know elections cannot really change their lives. Then, why not support Trump and vent their spleen?”

The second big takeaway of the article: Democracy doesn’t get you anywhere anyway, so why bother?

The paper went on to argue that this election did raise some serious issues about America’s decline and hypocrisy. After noting the rise of Mussolini and Hitler, it said that most analysts believe the U.S. election system will prevent Trump from winning, so that “the process will be scary but not dangerous.”

But even if Trump is a false alarm, his rise has “left a dent” and left the United States facing “the prospect of an institutional failure.”

The inherent instability of the democratic system is classic Communist Party propaganda and an argument that resonates with many people here: Indeed, it is one of the pillars of the party’s legitimacy in many people’s eyes.

Democracy is a mess – just look at India – and sometimes violent – viz. the Arab Spring. China’s history before the Communist Party came to power was equally messy. Only strong, purposeful and benevolent one-party rule can guarantee stability.

Of course, there are a couple of glaring lacunae in that argument: The most obvious being the tyranny and mass insanity unleashed by Mao Zedong, who killed tens of millions of his own people, (as indeed Stalin did in the Soviet Union). But hey, that bit of history is officially glossed over here.

The paper may have a point in that the rise of Trump -- as well as that of Bernie Sanders -- is arguably a reaction to the capture of American politics by big business and lobbyists, and the failure of globalization to deliver economic benefits to the middle class.

But it also ignores the fact that democratic “reactions” can often offer a (long and winding) path to democratic solutions, while dictatorships almost always end in chaos.

But back to the Global Times.

Finally, then, the paper had this message for the United States.

“The U.S. had better watch itself for not being a source of destructive forces against world peace, more than pointing fingers at other countries for their supposed nationalism and tyranny.”

U.S. hypocrisy: It’s an argument that was also aired in a 45-minute documentary Sunday on party-controlled China Central Television. The Xinhua news agency said the program revealed the U.S. “double standards on human rights-related issues, whereby the U.S. pokes its nose into other countries' internal affairs while leaving many of its own problems unsolved.” Quartz called it part of China's escalating criticism of the United States. Last week, it noted, the Chinese ambassador to the United Nations declared the United States too violent and racist to criticize others on human rights.

If you want to see how CCTV looks at the United States, the documentary has been posted to YouTube, with subtitles.

China seemed to have had an ambivalent reaction to Trump’s rise, from the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman who reported her country’s “bemused” interest in the campaign to nationalist netizens unsure whether to celebrate his authoritarian streak or exult in America’s perceived decline.

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Ironically, there is one group of Chinese who have united in their condemnation of Trump, if for very different reasons from the Global Times: The survivors of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

On Friday’s Republican debate, Trump appeared to endorse what he called a “strong” response from the Chinese government in putting down pro-democracy protests there. He described the Tiananmen Square protests as a “riot.”

Trump just called Tiananmen Square a ‘riot.’ The Communist Party will be pleased.

Since then, survivors and exiled rights groups have lined up to condemn him for supporting tyranny and to demand that he apologize.

Trump, wrote former Tiananmen protest leader Wu’er Kaixi on his Facebook page, “is an enemy of the values that America deeply defines itself by: The same values that have long provided hope to the victims of oppressive power worldwide."

"Those of us who have fought for freedom anywhere in the world worry that something is about to change in America.”



真是中共思维。人家川普吃的是自己的饭,不拿共和党的党费与工资,和拿中共的钱做倒中共的事的人不一样。 -颐和园- 给 颐和园 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/15/2016 postreply 11:54:11

+1。 -等等看看- 给 等等看看 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/15/2016 postreply 17:59:20

环球的意思是凡是反床铺的都是共产党的卧底?哈哈哈哈哈 -其乐无穷- 给 其乐无穷 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/15/2016 postreply 11:57:00



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