TED CRUZ竞选总部撤下的竞选广告让三级片明星一夜走红

来源: wxc风起云涌 2016-02-12 09:15:24 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (11926 bytes)


美三级片女演员AMY LINDSAY因在TED CRUZ 的经选广告中扮演一名选民,广告中说出影射议员marco rubio的话"Maybe you should vote for more than just a pretty face next time.",目前TED CRUZ 因为该女演员三级片背景,不符合CRUZ 的保守派背景而被对手攻击,现在撤下广告,但AMY LINDSAY这个名字今天成为搜索引擎的热门话题,


Not Another "Pretty Face": Cruz Campaign Pulls Ad Featuring Porn Star

Before the anti-Rubio ad, Amy Lindsay starred in films 'Carnal Wishes’ and ‘Secrets of a Chambermaid.’

Actress Amy Lindsay appears in a campaign commercial for Sen. Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz's presidential campaign has pulled its ad titled "Conservatives Anonymous," featuring adult film actress Amy Lindsay.

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Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's Republican presidential campaign has pulled its latest ad after learning one the actresses featured in it has a resume packed with not-safe-for-work titles.


The ad, titled "Conservatives Anonymous," shows a support group for voters felt betrayed by Marco Rubio, the Florida senator and Republican presidential contender who helped craft a comprehensive immigration reform bill that included a path to citizenship – anathema to Cruz and other hard-line conservatives.


"Who else here has struggled with being lied to?" the group leader asks.

"Well, I voted for a guy who was tea party hero on the campaign trail, then he went to D.C. and played patty cake with [Democratic Sen.] Chuck Schumer and cut a deal on amnesty," a group member responds.

"Does that make you angry?" the leader asks.

"It makes me feel dumb for trusting him," the man responds.

Then, a woman played by actor Amy Lindsay chides: "Maybe you should vote for more than just a pretty face next time."

Lindsay as appeared in several softcore porn films, including "Erotic Confessions," "Carnal Wishes," "Secrets of a Chambermaid" and "Insatiable Desires."The Texas senator's campaign told Buzzfeed that the ad has been removed and will be replaced with another. Cruz, the son of a minister and a devout Christian, often proclaims his faith on the campaign trail."The actress responded to an open casting call. She passed her audition and got the job," said Cruz spokesman Rick Tyler. "Unfortunately, she was not vetted by the production company. Had the campaign known of her full filmography, we obviously would not have let her appear in the ad."[DECISION 2016: U.S. News Covers the Race to the White House]Lindsay described herself to Buzzfeed as a "Christian conservative" and a Republican, and appeared to believe the campaign and the ad's production company knew about her acting resume, and that her selection indicated the campaign's inclusivity."In a cool way, then hey, then it's not just some old, white Christian bigot that people want to say, 'It could be, maybe, a cool kind of open-minded woman like me,'" she said of Cruz supporters.Now that the ad has been pulled, Lindsay says she's "extremely disappointed the Ted Cruz campaign pulled the national television spot I had a role in."


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