美Politico 杂志文章:The Pope vs. The Donald

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The Pope vs. The Donald

In U.S. visit, Francis will tout immigration, call for compassion toward migrants.

The anti-Donald Trump is coming to town. And he speaks Spanish, too.

When Pope Francis addresses Congress later this month, U.S. Catholic leaders expect the popular, groundbreaking pontiff to call on Americans to set aside their political divisions and unite to tackle challenges such as climate change, economic inequality and immigration reform.


It's a message that could offer Washington a temporary respite from months of bitter clashes in Congress and on the 2016 campaign trail, where, propelled by Trump’s forceful language, ideas such as mass deportations and border walls are all the rage. And both Republicans and Democrats will likely be on their best behavior during Francis's visit ("This is not an opportunity for taunting," a Democratic campaign official said. Trump's team had no comment.)

The pope's handlers insist he's coming as a pastor, not a politician, but there's no question Francis' visit will carry political overtones, especially on immigration, where he could provide the most forceful counterpoint to Trump so far.

"This is not a political trip as much as it is a religious trip, however, to deny the political consequences would be naive," said Christopher Hale, executive director of the left-leaning Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. "In the run-up to the 2016 elections, this is one of the most consequential events. It's going to frame the questions that candidates are asked over the next few months. It's also going to frame what values are lifted up."

The pope’s visit to Washington — he arrives Sept. 22 — is already the hottest ticket in town, with any number of interest groups hoping to latch on to his presence to promote their causes. Senior Obama administration officials say they will roll out some policy initiatives in conjunction with the papal visit, but declined to give details.

The mere fact that Francis, who technically is a head of state (the Vatican, population 800), is visiting with President Barack Obama and speaking to lawmakers is itself a political act. For one thing, he's the first pope to speak to Congress, accepting an invitation his predecessors have long declined. This is also the first time in his life that the 78-year-old pontiff is visiting the United States.

Since being elected pope in 2013, Francis has jolted the world with his actions and statements. He's reduced -- but by no means rebuffed -- the church's focus on stopping abortion and same-sex relationships. Instead, he's called for a greater emphasis on helping the poor and demanded more action to stop climate change, which he attributes to man-made causes. He's questioned unbridled capitalism and urged for more humane criminal justice policies.

Vatican experts say Francis doesn't see things through the bifurcated lens of American political parties, but that he is deeply aware of the impact American actions have on the rest of the world, especially poorer nations.

Still, many of his declarations, especially on climate change and the dangers of "trickle-down economics," are at odds with positions held by Republicans, including nearly all of those running for president. Francis has even supported the Iran nuclear deal, which Republicans uniformly oppose, and which may still be a hot issue on Capitol Hill at the time of his speech.

Few issues rile up the GOP, however, as much as immigration, an area of growing concern for Francis.

The pope has called on Europe and the United States to aid migrants, rising numbers of whom are making the dangerous, often-deadly trek to Europe's shores from the turbulent Middle East. "We cannot allow the Mediterranean to become a vast cemetery!" Francis warned European lawmakers.

On Sunday, Francis urged every Catholic parish, monastery, convent and sanctuary in Europe to take in a refugee family.

He had hoped to visit the U.S.-Mexico border during his September trip but ruled it out after deciding it would add too much time. He does plan to meet with immigrants, some of them undocumented, while in the U.S.

While it's highly unlikely the pope will endorse any particular piece of legislation during his speech to lawmakers — Catholic officials say no one knows exactly what he will say — he is expected to mention the need for greater compassion toward migrants.

"I think he will appeal to our better angels," said Kevin Appleby, director of migration policy at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "He will remind us of our great tradition as an immigrant nation. He will tell us that we are a leader in the world, and that the world follows us on many issues, including immigration issues."

However Francis frames it, his words could prove an implicit rebuke to some White House hopefuls, especially Trump, who wants to deport millions of undocumented immigrants while also building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

Trump even recently criticized GOP candidate Jeb Bush, the rare Republican agitating for comprehensive immigration reform, because he spoke Spanish on the campaign trail. Francis speaks several languages, but is thought to be most comfortable in Spanish, reflecting his upbringing in Argentina.

Francis will spend a few days in Cuba before visiting Washington, New York and Philadelphia. In Washington, he will meet on Sept. 23 with Obama and address Congress the following day in a speech expected to last roughly 20 minutes. He plans to deliver his congressional address in English but stick to Spanish at Catholic Masses and the many other events he has scheduled.

The pope is set to speak to the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 25, as well as lead a motorcade through New York's Central Park. He then heads to Philadelphia to attend the World Meeting of Families, a major Catholic gathering. During his time in Philadelphia, the pope will also visit a prison and speak at Independence Mall — an address expected to focus heavily on immigration.

While liberals welcome the visit of a pope they consider a kindred spirit, conservatives say, they, too are, glad Francis is coming. They also note that the pope has not changed church doctrine on issues such as abortion or same-sex marriage, even though he has urged for greater compassion for people struggling with the subjects. The pope recently said that, during the church's upcoming Year of Mercy, all priests will be allowed to absolve Catholics who committed the “sin of abortion” if they genuinely desire forgiveness.

"It’s been sort of frustrating as a Catholic to see the way people automatically try to put what the pope says in American political boxes, and it just doesn't work," said Ashley McGuire, a conservative Catholic commentator. "I think Pope Francis has shaken things up for people on both sides politically."

How left and right take advantage of the pope's visit could itself become a test of political propriety, with Trump — who has insulted everyone from women to prisoners of war — as a wild card.

A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, a Catholic Republican who finally scored with Francis after having the two previous popes turn down his invitations to speak to Congress, declined to comment on lawmakers' behavior during the upcoming papal visit, but said, "The pope’s visit is a historic moment for our country, and the speaker is thrilled he is coming.”

A senior Democratic aide said the pope's visit to Congress was getting attention the likes of an "inauguration-lite." But when asked if Francis could, through his words, bring an end to the partisan gridlock in Washington, the aide laughed.

"No, he cannot," he said. "It is beyond him."



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