
来源: 核潜艇闻警出动 2015-09-08 12:10:57 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (7805 bytes)

以下为雅虎新闻的报道。本人一直避免吃大豆及玉米这类广用农药草甘膦、农达的转基因食品,以为黄瓜应该没问题。但是, NND,来自墨西哥、普遍出售于美国多个州的黄瓜也出了问题。看来,美监管检疫部门失责了。

Contamination usually occurs when the outside of the cucumber comes into contact with fecal matter. (Photo: Getty Images)

A multi-state outbreak of Salmonella from contaminated cucumbers has left one person dead and nearly 300 sick, officials say.

People in at least 22 states have been infected with Salmonella Poona after eating cucumbers from Mexico that were distributed by Andrew & Williamson Fresh Produce, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports.

The outbreak first began in early July and 53 people have reportedly been hospitalized over the contamination. Andrew & Williamson Fresh Produce has voluntarily recalled its “Limited Edition” brand label because it may be contaminated with salmonella.

The Limited Edition cucumbers (also known as “slicer” or “American” cucumbers) were distributed in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah, although the CDC says it may have been distributed to retailers in other states as well. (Whole Foods told the Associated Press this weekend that it did not carry the recalled cucumbers as originally thought.)

One consumer is taking action: A Minnesota woman is suing Andrew & Williamson Fresh Produce over the recall. Kathleen Dvergsten says she became severely ill after eating a salad at a Red Lobster restaurant that contained the recalled cucumbers and was hospitalized for nearly a week, the AP reports.

Salmonella Poona isn’t as common as Salmonella Enteritidis, but the symptoms — fever, vomiting, diarrhea — are the same, Benjamin Chapman, PhD, an assistant professor and food safety extension specialist at North Carolina State University, tells Yahoo Health.

“It’s not one that we see every year,” he says, adding that Salmonella Poonaoutbreaks have also been linked to imported cantaloupes and turtles.

Salmonella (including Salmonella Poona, Enteritidis, and other strains) causes approximately 1.2 million illnesses and 450 deaths in the U.S. each year, according to CDC estimates.

Mike Doyle, PhD, director of the Center for Food Safety at the University of Georgia, tells Yahoo Health that contamination usually occurs when the outside of the cucumber comes into contact with fecal matter. That could be from contaminated irrigation water or manure.

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It’s also possible that the inside of the cucumber could be contaminated as well, says Chapman, adding that “everything the cucumber comes into contact with, from farm to fork, could lead to contamination.”

While it’s likely that the contamination is on the skin of the cucumber, Chapman says it’s too early to tell with this outbreak. And, he adds, it’s best to assume that your entire cucumber may be infected.

Unfortunately, it’s difficult for consumers to know the brand name of their cucumber since they’re often sold individually and without labeling.

If you’re not sure where your cucumbers originated, Chapman recommends calling and asking the store from which you purchased your cucumbers. But, the CDC says, “when in doubt, don’t eat, sell, or serve them, and throw them out.”



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