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澳大利亚司法部长乔治·布兰迪斯在国会质询时称: 不要叫以色列定居点为“非法”。 现场的录像:

此前, 澳大利亚阿博特政府的外交部长朱莉·毕晓普在今年一月《以色列时报》独家专访中也声称, 以色列定居点可能并不违反国际法。 当被问道她本人如何看待以色列任何越过1967年边界而建立的定居点违反国际法这一几乎已是国际社会的普遍共识, 澳大利亚外长的回答则是: “我想看看哪些国际法已经宣布那是非法的。”

司法部长乔治·布兰迪斯近期还提出, 要修改已经执行了二十余年的反种族歧视法案, 根据此法律, 专栏作家安德鲁·博尔特曾在三年前因其攻击澳洲原住民的言论被裁定有罪。 而在这个例子里, 乔治·布兰迪斯支持将反种族歧视法案修改使得安德鲁·博尔特这样持有顽固种族思想的人可以合法发声。

去年底, 澳洲安全情报组织对东帝汶控诉澳政府代表律师的办公室进行的突然搜查行动中没收其文件, 安全情报组织的上级授权者正是乔治·布兰迪斯。 此案被荷兰海牙的国际法院所审理, 司法部长却批准下令吊销了告发澳大利亚长期针对东帝汶进行商业间谍行为的安全情报组织前特工的护照, 试图阻止他前往海牙作证。

澳大利亚公然违反其承担的国际法义务既往行为中最让人诟病之处也许莫过于这个国家的难民政策。 联合国难民署建议澳大利亚摒弃其驱回难民政策, 同时“加强与亚太国家的区域合作, 在团结与共担责任的基础上建设国家庇护制度”。 然而, 根据现总理阿博特上台组阁后执行的新政策, 所有抵达澳大利亚的难民船都将由海军送到印度尼西亚, 四月竟发生澳大利亚一海军船长非法进入印度尼西亚领海的事件。 澳大利亚何时才能真正尊重难民人权与《联合国难民公约》中的“不推回原则”? 以现政府在此问题上所持一贯立场看, 前景不容乐观。


Journalists will face jail over spy leaks under new security laws (2014-07-16)
"Australian journalists could face prosecution and jail for reporting Snowden-style revelations about certain spy operations, in an “outrageous” expansion of the government’s national security powers, leading criminal lawyers have warned."

New Australian Anti-Terror Laws Could See the Mandatory Recording of Your Private Data (2014-08-06)
"Lawrence raised concerns over a proposed new ability for ASIO operatives to be able to disrupt a target computer. He believes this could allow for the adding and modifying of data, which could lead to situations of people being framed, as well as diminishing the ability to use computer data as evidence in trials."
"The second area of concern, McGarrity said, is the secrecy surrounding ASIO’s activities being significantly increased. The bill contains what has been dubbed the “Snowden Amendment”, which targets whistleblowers. The sentencing has increased for an intelligence operative or contractor who reveals confidential information about intelligence operations from two to ten years. It also creates a new offence for unauthorised copying or removal of intelligence documents by ASIO employees."



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