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    Joshua Lai They should've executed him.
    Logan Davis McCain should just "accept" that the Constitution is the law of the land... Not whatever bullshit he is getting "done" up in the district of corruption.
    Cheryl Cummings Let's just start posting everything they say wether in private or public. Treat them the way they treat us. Then watch them scream.....much like Pelosi did when she learned the NSA was spying on the house! Funny, how much it gets their goat when the shoe is on the other foot.
    Boston Paul Term Limits get all these *****s Out. McCain is worth over $24 Million. Tell him to take his Money and get the Fu@k Out. Warmonger Scum.
    Pamela Noble We are nothing but cattle to the USA government. We can't even revolt, they have given our police permission to detain us if we do, with "prisons" set aside for it. AMERICA, WAKE UP! WE ARE NOT FREE! JUST DO YOUR JOB, GO TO WORK AND PAY YOUR TAXES SO THAT THE 1% CAN CONTINUE TO CONTROLL US!
    Kacie Lynn There's no reason we should have to accept that, go fuck yourself McCain!!
    Rae-Anne Avery If that's so, why hasn't the government declassified EVERYTHING. They are americans. If they have nothing to hide, what's the big deal?
    Rica Herring Go home. You are a traitor to everything American
    Steve Slater McCain SHOULD accept a swift kick in the balls.

    Oops....I forgot he doesn't have any.
    Olav M. Schneider America used to fight communists and fascists, now we just accept? What did all those kids die for in the past wars?
    Elizabeth E. Case OK so Obama calls us "wrongheaded Americans" and now being told to accept invasions into our most private conversation. Yeah right! OK people it is time we clean up our currpt Washington. Fire them all. Vote and count each AMERICANS votes. We cannot afford to allow DC to continue to take us down the road of destruction any longer! We The People are losing all of our freedoms one by one
    Steve Cornell Fucker must die. Abolish the u.s. guvmint. Smash the state. Buy guns, gold and silver. Homeschool your children. Smoke pot. Collect rainwater. Plant a garden.
    Cody Tolene Wish we could go back to living in small villages when everyone helped each other out and watched out for each other. Today is filled with narcissistic selfish ass holes who could care less about anything but themselves and their illusion of power.
    Christopher Cordero McCain sucks DICK of the NEW WORLD ORDER!! get it!
    Chalky White he realy means , we took away another personal freedom because we could , ..
    Jerry Salas Everyone here is all worked up about the system and no one here has the fucking balls to do Anything about it, NOW NOW the government owns us and thats the way its gonna be unless someone starts a fucking Revolution NATIONWIDE taking Law enforcement an...See More
    Steve Wik What a FUCKING scumbag!
    Liberty Valance McCain u r a piece a shit
    Brian Graz McCain should drop dead.
    Kevin P. Clancy Fucking RAT Too bad Charlie didn't finish you off. Hanoi John.
    Kaleb Hedges Fuck you accept the peoples revolution and your public hanging *****
    Luciano Pacheco Fuck McCain and the govt!!! Spy on them and there conversations I bet we would find out ALOT of interesting shit!!!
    Lucas More Deer Yeggy I think we all need to stick together and have everyone in Washington Checked and evaluated for Mental Illness .......
    Polly Cowan I'd like to be able to hear some of his shit filled conversations............
    Frank Canfield Let's send this fossil packing!
    Jay Minasi Here is what I accept, that you are a fucking two faced ***** and a democrat, just like Parade magazine said 30 or so years ago.
    Rosalia Zerilli You sir should accept that you look like a penis.
    Cody McMaster How about fuck you and stay out of my buisness
    Herny Mejias Please, somebody hang this idiot.
    Jose Martin Calderon Remove him from office! Period!
    Chris Green Shut the F$#% up McCain!
    Raymond Schueler This man is a pathetic shadow of what he once was......sad.
    Lennox Rawn Than why can't we wiretap the politicians phones and put their conversations on a new reality tv show? Perhaps call it "ANAL BY-PRODUCTS"
    Cary Collins McCain is such a loser. Should never have been elected. What an ass.
    Lillian Colline Bogle Would Obama want his phone & conversations recorded 24/7? Would McCain want his daughter's words recorded? I would't think so. THE BIG THING HERE IS THAT THEY EXEMPT THEM SELF! They are viewing it as OBAMA vs. "we the people". Just like that. Once they take one Amendment......might as hand him the whole damn thing to change. I WILL NOT COMPLY TO OBAMA OF ANY TYPE~
    Benny Belardo Fuck you old fucks! The same motherfuckers respinsible for testing over 2,000 nuclear warhead ordinances. You dumb fucks almost split this planet in half. Why aren't they tried for crimes against humanity, yet?
    Michael Parykaza Mr McCain: how about we "accept" your resignation instead?
    Vincent Giovanniello No thanks! I would rather die a free man.
    Dwight Tutt Better off if he died as a POW. fuck McCain
    Leon Katona John McCain can be in the senate because he isn’t in prison. He has a pardon secretly issued by President Richard M. Nixon, saving him from a court martial for treason and the firing squad.
    Love Santos Fuck off McCain... Why don't u let them monitor you?!? Fucking *****! I always knew you was a piece of shit!
    Mary Hearn Len I'm glad they say these things out loud - it ticks people off and wakes them up
    Jared Pittman Bullshit! Fuck McCain and the rest of the govmnt. that is horse shit.
    Paul Gibson You and we should be very upset with this trend you dont need to listen to everyones conversations to run a country ...just stop the pathetic rule changes and dont let the nutters into the country ...they are doing this just to promote a totallitarian facist islamic supporting goverment !!
    Daniel Barnes Another motherfucker that should be hung you treasonous little prick
    Ryan Cornell As soon as all documents are declassified and all meetings are publicized I will accept it its only fair if I have no privacy they ha e no privacy and the government has no privacy then will all have no privacy together.
    Brenda Carter It's only the norm if we accept it.
    Jon Reynolds I truly believe that McCain was brainwashed by the Viet Cong and is every bit as much a destroy America Manchurian candidate as Obama. Actually, he's worse than Obama. McCain was actually born here.
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应该把McCain作为Trueman Show的主角,让我们大家看看他和他家人是怎么生活的 -547788- 给 547788 发送悄悄话 547788 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/09/2014 postreply 20:04:51

只要您的手机或电脑开着,人家就能监听监视。关键是如何保护不被政治利用! -相当冷静- 给 相当冷静 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/09/2014 postreply 21:35:42



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