
来源: 评民 2013-08-28 10:26:06 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1951 bytes)
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Lets face it when the US government says it has proof of anything we must ask ourselves about the credibility of the US government. Going back to the 1950's when Eisenhower stated that the US was not flying planes over the Soviet Union for surveilance. Shortly thereafter our U-2 flown by Gary Francis Powers was shot down and he was taken prisoner by the Soviets. 
And there was LBJ with the faked incident in the Tonkin Gulf. More recently was the news conference of Colin Powell and his evidence that Iraq had weapons of "mass destruction".. Anyone who believes anything our government says would probably be interested in buying the Brooklyn Bridge for ten dollars. 
If the US attacks Syria more Syrians will die. What sort of consequences would happen? We don't really know. Perhaps the Syrians might sink one of our ships or Iran might start sending scuds to hit Israel. Perhaps the Russians and ./ or the Chinese might give the Syrian regime more assistance. Perhaps Saudi Arabia might be attacked. Nothing good will happen if the US removes Assad by force. The "Rebels" would massacre thousands of Christians and Alawites if they gain power. Sharia law would be imposed and whatever government replaced Assad would be anti American. 
I think most Americans oppose the US going to war with Syria just as most oppose the continuation of the war in Afghanistan. Lets face it our government pays no attention to what Americans want. 
We could use the resources being spent by the US in the Middle East to fight wildfires in the US.


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