
来源: 王医生 2012-08-01 10:22:01 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1913 bytes)
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回答: 【台北杂记】几件小事瑞冬2012-08-01 04:37:06

Last night, I went with some friends out to a new restaurant, and noticed that the waiter who took our order carried a spoon in his shirt pocket. It seemed a little strange. When the bu*****oy brought our water and utensils, I noticed he also had a spoon in his shirt pocket. Then I looked around I saw that all the staff had spoons in their pockets.

When the waiter came back to serve our soup I asked, "Why the spoon?"

"Well," he explained, "the restaurant's owners hired a consulting firm to revamp all our processes. After several months of analysis, they concluded that the spoon was the most frequently dropped utensil. It represents a drop frequency of approximately 3 spoons per table per hour. If our personnel are better prepared, we can reduce the number of trips back to the kitchen and save 15 man-hours per shift."

As luck would have it, I dropped my spoon and he was able to replace it with his spare. "I'll get another spoon next time I go to the kitchen instead of making an extra trip to get it right now."

I was impressed! I also noticed that there was a string hanging out of the waiter's fly.

Looking around, I noticed that all the waiters had the same string hanging from their flies. So before he walked off, I asked the waiter, "Excuse me, but can you tell me why you have that string right there?"

"Oh, certainly!" Then he lowered his voice. "Not everyone is so observant... That consulting firm I mentioned also found out that we can save time in the restroom. By tying this string to the end of our "you know what," we can pull it out without touching it and eliminate the need to wash our hands, shortening the time spent in the restroom by 76.39 percent."

"Hhmmm...After you get it out, how do you put it back?" I asked.

"Well," he whispered, "I don't know about the others... but I use the spoon."


哈哈哈哈! 看来太医在那家饭店吃过? :) -刀爷爷- 给 刀爷爷 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/01/2012 postreply 11:03:30

但没掉过勺子 :) -王医生- 给 王医生 发送悄悄话 王医生 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/01/2012 postreply 12:16:22

谢谢分享,很像 Reader's Digest 里的小趣事。他口袋里的勺子能干净吗? -瑞冬- 给 瑞冬 发送悄悄话 瑞冬 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/02/2012 postreply 09:12:01



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