Maybe not.

来源: jin_yin_hua 2012-07-31 14:07:50 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (871 bytes)

Visitors from any country other than the U.S. have always needed a passport to enter Canada. On the other hand, because of a friendly border crossing agreement between Canada and the United States, Canada Border Services did not require U.S. citizens to present a passport to enter Canada. This friendly border crossing agreement used to be mutual; however, now the WHTI requires that U.S. citizens have a passport to return home. In this way, passport requirements for Canada and U.S. borders are different on paper, but, are in practice, the same. Canada will not allow a U.S. citizen into the country who does not have the proper documentation to return home.



上面一大段英文是针对美国公民的。美国公民没有绿卡啊,当然要护照啊。楼主问的是 -miamiman- 给 miamiman 发送悄悄话 (135 bytes) () 07/31/2012 postreply 20:35:26

你说的情况基本属实。即持美绿卡由陆路往返美加边境无需提供护照。但说“一点问题没有”就 ---1234567-- 给 --1234567- 发送悄悄话 --1234567- 的博客首页 (83 bytes) () 07/31/2012 postreply 22:30:29



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