经典爵士乐作品:Take Five

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Take Five》是一支为爵士乐做出划时代贡献的乐曲,也是爵士历史上最有名的乐曲之一。 是否觉得Take Five这两个单词看上去很眼熟? 因为现在全世界以Take Five命名的咖啡厅、酒吧、店铺或是乐团太多,所以才会给人这种感觉。

上世纪五十年代末,Dave Brubeck Quartet组合中的灵魂人物中音萨克斯手Paul Desmond写了这一首名叫Take Five的四重奏乐曲,最开始时这首爵士乐以单曲的形式发行,由于采用了极为罕见的5/4拍,这在当时的爵士音乐界引起了强烈震动,并受到广泛批评,但在符合大众口味的金曲排行榜上却可以和彼时如日中天的猫王的歌曲抗衡。


由于Paul Desmond在爵士历史上的地位与名气都远远不如Dave Brubeck,《Take Five》的曲作者经常被误以为是Dave Brubeck。而实际上由Dave Brubeck、Paul Desmond、Joe Morello、Eugene Wright组成的四重奏在1959年发行的专辑《Time Out》里,Dave Brubeck的确是除《Take Five》之外的所有乐曲的作者。 这张专辑中八分之九拍、四分之五拍、四分之六拍等诸多非常规爵士乐节拍也有出现,但《Take Five》在爵士乐史上石破天惊的意义显然非专辑中其他乐曲可以比拟,在后来发行的绝大多数关于Dave Brubeck Quartet的精选专辑中,几乎100%都会收录。







Take Five is a jazz piece written by Paul Desmond and performed by The Dave Brubeck Quartet on their 1959 album Time Out.  This piece became one of the group's best-known records, famous for its distinctive, catchy saxophone melody and use of the unusual quintuple (5/4) time, from which its name is derived.

The inspiration for this style of music came during a tour of Eurasia and Brubeck observed in Turkey a group of street musicians performing a traditional Turkish folk song that was played in 9/8 time, a rare meter for Western music. After learning about the form from symphony musicians, Brubeck was inspired to create an album that deviated from the usual 4/4 time of Jazz and experimented in the more exotic such styles he experienced abroad.

While "Take Five" was not the first jazz composition to use this meter, it was one of the first in the United States to achieve mainstream significance, reaching #25 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #5 on Billboard's, the precursor to today's Adult Contemporary charts, in 1961, two years after its initial release.

"Take Five" was re-recorded and performed live multiple times by The Dave Brubeck Quartet throughout the group's career. In addition, there have been many covers of the piece. Some versions also feature lyrics, including a 1961 recording with lyrics written by Dave Brubeck and his wife Iola, sung by Carmen McRae. Al Jarreau performed an unusual scat version of the song in Germany in 1976.

"Take Five" has been included in countless movies and television soundtracks, and still receives significant radio play. It was for several years during the early 60s the theme music for the NBC "Today" program, the opening bars played half a dozen times and more each day.

Upon his death in 1977, Paul Desmond left the rights to royalties for performances and compositions, including "Take Five", to the American Red Cross, which has since received combined royalties of approximately $100,000 per year.


Dave Brubeck: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Brubeck

Dave Brubeck Quartet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Brubeck_Quartet



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