Do they?

Thanks Teacher 8. from your link,I see why it can't, because it did not record her parents name. However, in old China, there was no such record for poor families. So if her 退休单位 won't do it, what other ways can you suggest?

-You may ask 街道办事处 or 派出所 to issue a (出生)证明 which indicate your mother's name, birth date, birth place and her parents' names and then, go to 公证处 to 公证 this 证明. This is the way most people do.

Thanks, teacher 8. What facts is 街道办事处 or 派出所 based on to issue (出生)证明? Do they believe what most people told them their parents' names verbally? I am sorry if I sound too blunt but I realy want find a way for my case that is doable. If the anwser is "yes", they may issue (出生)证明 with parents's name that is based on what one told them, I will find a way to do it. However, if that is hinged on other facts, I would also like to know what they are and how to get them.

Waiting for your kindly reply. 


回复:Do they? -863211- 给 863211 发送悄悄话 863211 的博客首页 (813 bytes) () 04/04/2012 postreply 14:53:08

Got it. Thank you ever so much. -jwangbb- 给 jwangbb 发送悄悄话 jwangbb 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/04/2012 postreply 14:59:52
