
来源: 酒吧里的美国 2011-01-20 15:18:44 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (5717 bytes)

A Bastard from China
By Liping Zhu
A young lady, followed by a little boy, got off the passenger train on October 1, 1928 at Plain Town railroad station in Northeastern China.
“Excuse me, officer!” The young lady eagerly shouted to a fat policeman on duty nearby.
The policeman turned and saw a pregnant woman. He could tell that she could deliver a baby in any minute. He walked toward the lady quickly. “I guess that you are look for a midwife, Madame.”
“Yes, yes.”
The officer glanced at the exit, and said, “You are very lucky, Madam. See that guy who stands by his rickshaw? ”
The young lady nodded.
“He is Bai, and his wife Bai’s is a very good midwife. More important, the Bai couple lives just two blocks away.”
Three minutes later, the lady was giving a birth to a baby with Bai’s’s help.
When Bai’s saw the infant was getting out of the mother’s body, she could not believe her eyes. The infant was a Bastard!
In those days, there were many Russians who escaped from Russia and lived in China, especially in several cities in Northeastern China. No matter what reason, as long as they had a westerner looking child with a Chinese, Chinese would name those cross-breds bastards, privately in most time.
Bai was cooking some eggs and congee when he heard an infant’s crying.
“Now you have a little brother.” Bai told the little boy, who was watching Bai’s cooking.
The little boy responded, calmly. “My parents died.”
Ten days later, the mystic young lady and the little boy suddenly disappeared, left the new infant with 8 silver coins to the Bais.
Since then the infant boy became the Bais’ adopt son. The Bai couple named the boy Jiabao Bai, which meaned “Couple Bais’ treasure”.
Bai’s’s had several nieces, and often had some of them come to company her little and cute adopt son, Jiabao.
Gradually, Jiabao got alone with his cousin Lily Xing very well before Jiabao went to school.
One day in 1944, young and tall student Jiabao Bai was at school, and asked out by one of his father’s friends, Uncle Wu. Uncle Wu told Jiabao that the Bai couple were arrested by the Japanese occupy authority, and Wu himself had to transfer Jiaobao to another city, Tianjin.
In 1945, Japan surrendered.
Jiabao Bai heard that Nationalist Army would take back Northeastern China, so he joined the Nationalist Army and trained as a Dodge truck driver.
When Jiabao stationed nearby Plain Town, he knew easily that his step parents were killed by Japanese several days later after they were arrested. Then he tried very hard to find his favorite cousin, Lily Xing.
One day, Jiabao finally found Lily Xing in a tailor shop where she worked as an apprentice.
Lily Xing was a firm supporter of the Liberation Army, which was the rival of the Nationalist Army, and became the reason that Jiabao Bai and his assistant, Xiao Wang , surrendered to the Liberation Army, driving their big Dodge with a full load of supply.
The Liberation Army kept Xiao Wang to drive the truck, refused Jiabao’s application of joining the Liberation Army because of his westerner looking problem.
After being offered a job in the only public washroom, Jiabao Bai asked Lily Xing to marry him.
To marry Jiabao was Lily Xing’s secret wish since she was very little. Bastards often looked good physically, however, marrying a male bastard would lose a family’s face, so Lily’s father swore to break her legs if she dared to marry that bustard.
One day in 1958, Lily Xing made her final choice between the family she loved and the man she loved by marrying Jiabao Bai and breaking up with her family.
At dawn of October 1, 1959, Lily Xing gave Jiabao Bai a 9- pounds birthday present, which was me. Lucky me, I was not that westerner-look-like although I still look like a bastard.
Under Chairman Mao’s rule, Chinese government rewarded Chinese couples gave more births, the more, the better. Since there were no TV sets in any Chinese families or work places then, adults had a plenty of time to happily answer Chairman Mao’s great call. As a result, I had three more brothers and one youngest sister from 1962 to 1975.
Our family size was just standard. One of my best friends had 13 siblings.
In 1976, Chairman Mao died, left a huge population behind him, crying. People cried around, some of my female classmates even passed out after bursting and bursting their endless tears.
When one-month mourning period was over, everyone realized that the earth not only did not stop rotating, but also seemed faster and faster.
No matter time was slow or fast, as many of my friends said behind me, I was a lucky bastard because my dreams had kept coming true until I was allocated to a army university to teach Marxist Theory after I graduated from China’s Northeastern University.
It’s a coincidence. The name of the American University that I went to later was Northeastern University, also.
Now, let me start my personal story from my career at that army university.


Bastard? 吓得一激灵! -三顶- 给 三顶 发送悄悄话 (17 bytes) () 01/20/2011 postreply 17:12:34

顶!期待下集! -青柏- 给 青柏 发送悄悄话 青柏 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/20/2011 postreply 17:36:51

真牛!不砸不行,砸顶! -墙根儿- 给 墙根儿 发送悄悄话 墙根儿 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/20/2011 postreply 18:12:55

谢谢诸位。 -酒吧里的美国- 给 酒吧里的美国 发送悄悄话 酒吧里的美国 的博客首页 (25 bytes) () 01/20/2011 postreply 18:17:43

我可写不出英文版的东西来,佩服还来不及呢。不砸,不砸 -茹菲- 给 茹菲 发送悄悄话 茹菲 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/20/2011 postreply 18:21:02

Wow..... Impressive ! -一片油菜田- 给 一片油菜田 发送悄悄话 一片油菜田 的博客首页 (255 bytes) () 01/20/2011 postreply 19:08:59



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