How to Marry Rich in China

With wealth comes gold-diggers and China now has a bounty of both.

A new school called in Beijing called the Moral Education Center for Women is offering courses in how to snag a billionaire or millionaire. The 30-hours of training, which costs $3,000, teaches them everything from proper make-up application to conversational skills and traditional tea-pouring techniques, according to this Reuters article. They also learn how to read a man’s character and status. (China has yet to launch an equal-opportunity school for male gold-diggers.)

Associated Press

A new school in Beijing is offering courses in how to snag a billionaire or millionaire.The school has attracted 2,800 women.

As one student explained: “I thought to myself, if I can marry a rich man, at least I won’t have any worries.”

The school also serves as match-maker between the gold and diggers. Rich bachelors can pay $4500 for an “introductory fee” to the students.

The approach is refreshingly direct in a country where many women see the surest path to wealth as being down the wedding aisle. The U.S. doesn’t have anything quite like it–despite the plethora of VIP match-making services.

Yet the syllabus for the Moral Education Center seems to lack a few essentials for meeting today’s global super-rich. To me, the school would do well to add courses in:

Auction-Paddle Skills – Anyone who’s anyone in China these days is buying wine, art and jewelry at auction. The wives of the rich should be proficient in paddle raising, lowering, waving and seven-figure math.

Mastiff Management. With prized dogs in China fetching more than $1.5 million, today’s wealthy wives need to understand how to pamper, maintain and effectively maintain canine values.

Polo Couture. Polo (real polo, not the Ralph Lauren apparel kind) is hot in China, especially as a fashion trend among wealthy wives. Argentina recently reached a trade deal with China that includes the sale of large quantities of female polo boots. Since so few women play polo, the get-ups will clearly become the preferred uniform of the Chinese ladies of leisure.

What other courses would you require at Chinese gold-digger school?


北京新开的一家名为妇女德育中心的学校正在提供如何傍上亿万富翁或百万富翁的课程。据路透社(Reuters)报道,该培训课程共30小时,学费为 3,000美元,传授从正确的化妆方法到交谈技巧再到传统斟茶技艺的各类知识。这些女性还会学习如何猜测一个男人的性格和地位。(中国还没有开设一所为拜 金男提供均等机会的学校。)




在中国这个许多女性将步入婚姻殿堂视为通向财富最可靠途径的国家,上述方式的直接了当令人耳目一新。尽管美国充斥着VIP婚介服务,但并没有和中国 类似的学校。




马球装:马球(真正的马球,并非拉夫 劳伦(Ralph Lauren)的马球时装)在中国很热,特别是在有钱太太们中间是一种流行趋势。阿根廷最近与中国达成了一项贸易协定,其中包括销售大量女式马球靴。由于 玩马球的女性少之又少,因此马球装束显然会成为中国女士偏爱的休闲制服。



看过类似的报道,那些女学员长的不怎么样 -Teaparty- 给 Teaparty 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/21/2011 postreply 12:35:32

那得怪学校没开整容部门 -二忽悠- 给 二忽悠 发送悄悄话 二忽悠 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/21/2011 postreply 12:40:24

好注意,要修理,就要全身修。。。。 -Teaparty- 给 Teaparty 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/21/2011 postreply 13:00:31

还有床上功夫。。。 -Teaparty- 给 Teaparty 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/21/2011 postreply 13:01:31

如果需要赞助,可以授予赞助商荣誉陪练教师,一下赞助就来了 -二忽悠- 给 二忽悠 发送悄悄话 二忽悠 的博客首页 (33 bytes) () 07/21/2011 postreply 13:35:12
