
来源: lemonlime 2011-04-13 10:02:58 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (773 bytes)
回答: 孕期高血压请教zaozaola2011-04-08 19:55:57

尿蛋白 is not good. That could mean you are at risk of developing pre-ecclampsia--once that happens, your child will need to be delivered immediately to avoid potential risk to your life. pre-ecclampsia/ecclampsia will go away only at the termination of pregnancy.

I have hypertension, and it got worse suring my pregnancy, and I was put under regular monitoring(Non-stress test every week), but luckily I had no protein in my urine, so my baby went on to full term.

Follow your doctor's instruction. Your blood pressure is not that high, so you might not need medication(aldomet or labetalol would be your doctor's choice for you if you do) but  尿蛋白 is a concern.

WIsh you the best of luck, and hold on!



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