回复:8老师请帮忙:小于14岁的孩子和父母一起交485 (8岁)

需要打指纹吗?会收到finger print notice吗?

-Yes. The child still needs to do the biometrics for the green card production, not for background check, though he/she does not need to pay the biometrics fee.

我自己对485 instruction的理解是不需要,但有个朋友说他的女儿打了指纹,迷惑中


回复:回复:8老师请帮忙:小于14岁的孩子和父母一起交485 (8岁) -kingadage- 给 kingadage 发送悄悄话 (20 bytes) () 10/29/2011 postreply 18:31:41

同问,小孩是不需要交G-325a表的,对吗?多谢! -ylmm- 给 ylmm 发送悄悄话 ylmm 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/31/2011 postreply 08:52:18

Correct. -863211- 给 863211 发送悄悄话 863211 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/31/2011 postreply 09:36:00
