回复:well, why dont u find a scenario that ...

来源: 7.5 2010-11-18 15:06:12 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1392 bytes)
回答: well, why dont u find a scenario that ...panzerkom2010-11-18 14:30:22


Thank you for your detailed reply and analysis. I feel that there are different ways to see if one operation is successful or not. Comparison with other scenarios is one way. Estimate the potential is another. For people running together, we can say that one finished earlier is successful. For the ones running behind but finished with their best records, we can also say that they suceeded. So comparison with others may not be always necessary.

As I said, the firefighters probably have done their best and sacrificed a lot. We may say that the operation of firefighters on the scene was successful. While you mentioned they had equipments that can reach tall buildings, Han han's description probably implied that they reach the scene late:

后来从现场陆陆续续被扛出来一些人被送往医院,但是虽然来了众多消防车,但这些消防车对高楼依然一筹莫展,屋顶和脚手架上都有人求救。消防员救下来几人, 屋顶上的人群后来不知所踪,新闻也都无交待。

Even they have tall building equipments on the scence right away and the rescue rate is much higher than that in WTC, if they have saved all the people except one of your relatives, you still do not want hear something like 成功典范战例. So management needs to be careful about how to comment when there are people died.



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