it is very questionable if 毛本人也认为蒋是一个爱国主义者

来源: noworry 2010-01-22 04:55:28 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (287 bytes)
回答: 被扭曲的民族英雄-蒋公(zt)文武双全坐愁城2010-01-21 16:36:32
I mean that I would love to challenge what Mao said is correct or not. Mao himslef was not 一个爱国主义者, either to certan degree. How come he could say Jiang is a 一个爱国主义者. None of thme were a real 一个爱国主义者. They might be 一个爱国主义者 sometimes, not all times. thanks