
在下虽然英文也够烂, 但是也觉得不顺口啊。。。。

这SCIENCE也算是业界大牛, 怎么会允许登这样的烂英文广告呢?

Nanjing Medical University is a key university of Jiangsu Province,
China established in 1934 (http://www.njmu.edu.cn). The Key
Laboratory of Antibody Technique of Ministry of Health was
established in August of 2005 and currently focus on cell antibody,
genetic engineering antibody, and antibody drug research &
development. The key laboratory is looking for outstanding candidates
with Ph.D. degree and less than 50 years old, and with internationally
recognized achievements in antibody research. The evidence
includes a series of research articles in a certain area published in
high impact journals, high citation of the publication, the invitation
of oral presentation in international conferences, and the service for
international journals and grant review. The successful candidates
from China should have Professor position in top universities or
research institutes. The successful international candidates should
have a tenure-track/tenure Associate Professor position. We offer
highly competitive salary, benefit packages, and the housing.

Applications should include application form, curriculum vitae, two
letters of recommendation, copies of representative publications, as
well as copies of other achievement documents. Applications should
be addressed to: Mr. Hanzhan Gu at email: ghz@njmu.edu.cn. Tel/Fax: 86-025-86862642.

Details of our employment policy and further information can be
obtained at http://app.njmu.edu.cn.


广告为了赚钱,英文越烂越占篇幅,编辑才不管呢 -kyoo- 给 kyoo 发送悄悄话 kyoo 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/08/2009 postreply 02:55:59
