回复:今天醫生宣布我成為糖媽媽。郁悶中。Am I in big trouble?

I had the GD. The doctor put me on insulin, although most of my family and friends did not think I needed it. In any case, you should try different food at first. Eating out is not good as everytime I eat out, I ended up with high reading when I do the 2 test. You can have milk/yogurt, but they should be the low fat/low sugar ones. GD will gradually get worse as the pregnancy progress. When I first started, I can do eat two pieces of whole wheat bread, with a glass of milk or yogurt for breakfast. But as time passes, I can no longer have bread. I ended up eating egg and low fat milk for breakfast. For lunch, I eat regular Chinese food - the home cooked kind. I still have some rice, maybe one scoop, and mixture of meat and veges. Same goes for dinner when I get home. In between, I eat fruits if I get hungry. Apple, pear, oranges are all good. Banana is okay depending on the size of it. If it's a big one, eat half only. Grape and melon does have more sugar. If still hungary, some other opitions of snacks are nuts, cheese stick, or peanut butter. Since my sugar get lower overnight, I often eat a couple scoop of peanut butter before bed, or sometimes even a scoop of ice cream:) Don't worry, you'll be fine. My daughter will be a healthy happy 6 months old in 2 days;)
