回复:急问H4的APPROVAL NOTICE, 很着急, 请帮帮忙回答

来源: 863211 2009-08-06 21:24:47 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1192 bytes)
我正在申请H1B 的延期, 要顺便把老公的H4 也RENEW了. 可今天我的律师问我为什么我老公没有APPROVAL NOTICE. 老公去年入境, I-94上的日子是按他的签证走的, 而不是我的H1有效时间. 我当时没理会, 觉得反正我的H1有效,他就没问题
-The U.S. customs officer at the port of entry did not give the your hu*****and's a correct I-94 duration (it should have the same duration as your H1), but your hu*****and should have asked the officer to correct it later (it is your responsibility to keep your status valid). He may go to CBP (海关) to see whether he can get the i-94 corrected though the chance is very small. He may also find a experienced lawyer to see whether there is a way to correct the I-94 though I am not sure whether there is a way to do that.

如果要按老公I-94的日子, 那早就在1年前失效了. 他会有麻烦RENEW他的H4吗
-If he can not get the I-94 corrected, he will have very big trouble in his status because he has been been unlawfully present for > one year. He will not get the H4 renewal approved. He can not leave U.S., otherwise he will be banned for entering U.S. within 10 years. He will not get his green card unless you become a U.S. citizen to sponsor it using family based category.


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