Q/A in Obama's Townhall Meeting:他们到底想要啥?!

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以下是OBAMA在最近townhall meeting推销Simulus Bill时和一些黑人公民的对话。请仔细读。各位同胞,尤其投OBAMA票的人,可以深刻体会你在和什么样的人志同道合的以及这些少数民族内心深处到底在想什么?你是否也会问出同样的问题来?
MAN: "I have a question which represents question held by a lot of my friends and family down here."

OBAMA: "Yeah, what is your question?"

MAN: "Well, we want to know about government benefits. I just lost my job. I lost my job a long time ago actually I've been unemployed., I haven't been able to pay all the bills. I was making $3,600 a month. I got laid off. I got fired. My unemployment benefits are $1,100 a month. When is the government going to make up the difference? How come when I lose my job, the government doesn't pay me what I was making when I got fired or laid off?"

WOMAN: "I've been working at McDonald's for four years, and I can't get any other job. What are you going to do? What are you going to do to get me a job outside of McDonald's?" There's another bite coming up here, a crying woman named Henrietta asks Obama for a car, for a new kitchen and a bathroom. I am not kidding! We need our own kitchen and our own bathroom. Please help. And Obama says, "Well, what is your name?" And she says, "It's Henrietta Hughes." And Obama tells her to talk to his staff after the town hall. She asks for a car, a kitchen, and a bathroom. These are the people, I'm telling you, we saw what we saw last night. These people saw, if they watched this press conference, they saw a guy who, in their eyes, only cares about getting them a job, don't care about anything else, or getting them a kitchen, or a car. His own brother, he's not even bought his brother a pot.

WOMAN: I respect you and I'm so grateful for you.

OBAMA: Thank you.

WOMAN: Been praying for you. But --

OBAMA: I believe in prayer, so I appreciate that.

WOMAN: I have an urgent need, unemployment and homelessness, a very small vehicle for my family and place to live in, we it need urgent, and housing authority have two years waiting on this thing and we need something more than a vehicle and parks to go to. We need our own kitchen and our own bathroom. Please help.

OBAMA: Well, I -- listen, I -- what's your name? What's your name?

WOMAN: It's Henrietta Hughes.

OBAMA: Okay, Ms. Hughes, we're going to do everything we can to help you, but there are a lot of people like you. We're going to do everything we can, all right? But the, uh, I'll have my staff talk to you after this, uh, after the -- the town hall, all right?

MAN: Usually what happens is when you apply for governmental assistance, they say, well, you make too much money. How -- if you go from making $3,000 a year, a month, to $1,100 a month, how are you able to take care of your families, why can't we have that be automatic, that goes along with your unemployment tenure that you can get government assistance, that's an automatic for you.

OBAMA: Well, look, unemployment insurance is not ideal. People want a job. They don't want unemployment insurance.

WOMAN: Mr. President, I'm currently a student at Edison State College in my second semester. And, okay, I've been at the same job, which is McDonald's, for four-and-a-half years because of the fact that I can't find another job. Now, with the fact that I've been there for as long as I've been there, do you have any plan or any idea of making one that has been there for a long time receive any better benefits than what they've already received?


Only way to grant their wishes is to convert USA into... -baiwen- 给 baiwen 发送悄悄话 baiwen 的博客首页 (27 bytes) () 02/10/2009 postreply 18:30:37

This is exactly the crowd that Democratic Party thrive on -baiwen- 给 baiwen 发送悄悄话 baiwen 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/10/2009 postreply 18:51:58

US Gov. does not make money. All it does is to take some -baiwen- 给 baiwen 发送悄悄话 baiwen 的博客首页 (50 bytes) () 02/10/2009 postreply 19:52:58

That is not a point. What they want is obviously not government' -baiwen- 给 baiwen 发送悄悄话 baiwen 的博客首页 (315 bytes) () 02/11/2009 postreply 06:14:01
