賊喊抓賊-- 有图为证-韩国的圣火事件谎言

来源: hpu1234 2008-05-01 00:37:03 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3856 bytes)
现在有些韩国人利用在SOUL奥运火炬传送中发生的韩国人与中国人的过激行为和受伤事件来大发噪音. 有报道说在4月27日的火炬传送中有人扔石头和断线钳. 在4月28日, 韩国媒体充斥着同一基调的新闻发布会和抗议游行. 指责中国游行者向韩国人扔石头和断线钳并造成伤害, 还出示了所谓的石头和断线钳的证据. 我不赞成任何一方的过激行为, 可我对这些在指责中国游行者的韩国人的一些照片感到极度震惊. 这些指责者自己被拍个正着, 图中显示在27日的事件发生之前就是这几个指责者自己手里拿着这些石头和断线钳! 现在请你把我说服吧, 请让我相信中国游行者使用的就是你们这些韩国人慷慨提供的同一块石头, 同一把断线钳而且用它来伤害了你们! 哦, 对了, 这些韩国人拿着这些攻击性武器到底想干什么呢? 请帮我揭开这疑问.....我真是不明白! 多么大的一个阴谋!

现在请你们自己看吧! 上面的照片是在27日事件发生前拍的.这两个韩国人清清楚楚的拿着这些石头和断线钳. 可是, 第二天, 就是这两个韩国人又开记者会又上街游行. 谎称中国游行者扔的就是这石头和断线钳. 真是一派胡言!!

在另一组被韩媒热炒的着名图片里, 一个中国人在踢着一个貌似无助的推着自行车的韩国人, 这韩国"受害者"后来由警察搀走. 这位韩国人真的是个受害者吗? 都来好好看看一张更早的照片吧! 就是这张照片, 韩国媒体装看不见!!!

这韩国人根本就不是受害者, 而是这整个事件的可恨的肇事者. 正这家伙先举起他的自行车砸向这位中国奥运游行观众.

现在你们这些韩国媒体竟然无视这韩国闹事者的攻击行为而把他美化成一个被踢的受害人. 简直是无耻之极! 你们就是另一CNN!

Some Koreans are making noise about the incident happened during the Olympic Torch Relay in Soul on April 27 in which some Korean protesters and Chinese paraders acted strongly and caused some injuries. There had been claims of rock-throwing and bolt-cutters-throwing incidents during the relay on April 27. On April 28, Korean news outlets were flooded with news conferences and protesting marches on the same theme - that is - the Chinese paraders threw rocks and bolt-cutters at the Koreans and caused injuries, with the so-called evidence - rocks and bolt-cutters - on display! While I do not endorse the heated acts by either side on that day, I am completely shocked by the pictures of those accusers, caught red handed, holding the same rocks and bolt-cutters in their hands on April 27 before the incident even happened! Now please DO convince me that the Chinese paraders used exactly the same piece of rocks and the same bolt-cutters generously provided by these Koreans and attacked them! Oh, by the way, why did these Koreans have these assaulting weapons at their hands in the first place? Please....... I am lost! What a scheme!

Now, please see it for yourselves! The top pictures were taken on April 27 prior to the incident in which two Koreans were seen holding the rock and the bolt-cutter in their hands. However, on the next day, it was these two Koreans who held news conferences and marched on the streets (bottom pictures) accusing the Chinese paraders of throwing these same exact rock and bolt-cutter. WHAT A PATHETIC LIE!

In yet another infamous set of pictures hyped by the Korean news media, a Chinese was shown kicking a seemingly "helpless" Korean cyclist, and this Korean "victim" was later carried away by the Korean police. Is this Korean guy really a victim? Well, take a look good look at this earlier picture, a picture the Korean news media chose to be blind to! This Korean was no victim but the damned culprit of the heated incident, who actually attacked the Chinese by throwing his bicycle at this parade goer first. And now you, the Korean news media, are telling me that the Korean's bike-throwing attack did not happen and he was just a victim of the Chinese butt-kicking act!!! Shame on you! You are just another CNN!!!!



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