When You And I Were Young -- 往事如昨


今天看了tyhongau和水云间关于When You And I Were Young Maggie的帖子,觉得特好。也想起看过凤飞飞吧和一蓑烟雨博客关于这个歌的介绍,转贴过来供各位朋友参考。另外我还收集了这个歌的另外几个版本。


往事难忘 温馨如昨 依然荡漾心头
春去春回 年年如梦 但愿你勿忘我
别时匆匆 互道珍重 骊歌声声情浓
年华已逝 友情如昨 依然长系心头
花开花落 几番如梦 但愿你勿忘我

往事难忘 温馨如昨 依然荡漾心头
离别容易 相见如梦 真情长在心中
何年何日 才能相逢 重温往日旧梦
年华已逝 友情如昨 依然长系心头
悲欢岁月 依稀如梦 但愿你勿忘我

转贴:一蓑烟雨 《当我们年轻时,麦姬》

今天突然想到上传这盘收藏已久的凤飞飞《往事如昨》,缘于前两天去凤飞飞贴吧,无意中看到了这首《 When You And I Were Young Maggie》,看这首歌的故事、听这首歌,心里一直不能平静,正如很多网友评论的那样,有一种隐隐的想哭的感觉。


这首歌原是一首加拿大歌曲,它的产生源于一段美丽而哀婉的爱情。差不多一个半世纪前,G.W.Johnson从1859年起在加拿大安大略省的Hamilton教书,风度翩翩的他爱上了他的学生Maggie并订了婚,但Maggie得了肺结核。在他的未婚妻病重期间的1864年某一天,他漫步登山岗,俯瞰水车,作了一首诗《When You And I Were Young,Maggie》,表达他与Maggie白头偕老的愿望,登在1864年他出版的名为《枫叶》的诗集里。他与Maggie于1864年10月21日结婚,转往美国水牛城、克利夫兰等地任记者。婚後七个月,Maggie不幸因斑疹伤寒而去世。他的朋友J.A.Butterfield在美国的Indianapolis以音乐出版为业,读了“When You And I Were Young,Maggie”诗,很喜欢,为这首诗谱了曲,并在1866年5月19日出版歌页。第一个唱这首歌的是Maggie的姐妹Elizabeth,当时美国南北战争刚刚结束,身处风雨飘摇乱世的人们渴望温暖和真情,《When You And I Were Young, Maggie》很快风靡美国也就合情合理了,它也成为十九世纪下半叶二十世纪初欧美乃至世界最流行的歌谣之一。以后这首歌就传遍全世界,成为上世纪初全世界最流行的歌谣之一。至今在Hamilton还存有Maggie的故居及Johnson的墓碑,作为文化遗址,供后世有情人凭吊。

有人曾收集到这首歌的28种不同版本。1983年由爱尔兰的Foster & Allen二人组演唱的凯尔特民谣《Maggie》在爱尔兰、英国、澳大利亚和新西兰均居排行榜榜首,该歌所在的专辑《I Will Love You All My Life》销售数百万张。

1868年由J.A.Butterfield词曲的《Maggie’s Answer》——献给Kittie J. Putnam小姐,是对《When You And I Were Young,Maggie》的回应。但不及原歌有名。歌词如下:

The violets are scenting the woods, Maggie
Displaying their charms to the bees
When I first said I loved only you, Maggie
And you said you loved only me
The chestnut bloom gleams thru the glade, Maggie
A robin sang loud from a tree
When I first said I loved only you, Maggie
And you said you loved only me
The golden row daffodils shine, Maggie
And danced in the breeze on the lee
When I first said I loved only you, Maggie
And you said you loved only me
The birds in the trees sang a song, Maggie
Of happier transports to be
When I first said I loved only you, Maggie
And you said you loved only me
Our hopes they have never come true, Maggie
Our dreams, they were never to be
Since I first said I loved only you, Maggie
And you said you loved only me


《When you and I were young ,Maggie 》
I wandered today to the hills maggie
To watch the scene below
The creek and the creaking old mill maggie
Where we used to long long ago

The green growth is gone from the hills maggie
Where first the daisise spring
The creaking old mill is still maggie
Since you and i were young

Oh they say that i’m feeble with age maggie
My steps are much slower than then
My face is a well written page maggie
And time all along was the pen

Oh they say we have outlived our time maggie
As dated as songs that we’ve sung
But to me, you’re as fair as you were maggie
When you and i were young

Oh they say we have outlived our time maggie
As dated as songs that we’ve sung
But to me, you’re as fair as you were maggie
When you and i were young
When you and i were young




往事难忘 温馨如昨 依然荡漾心头
春去春回 年年如梦 但愿你勿忘我

别时匆匆 互道珍重 离歌声声情浓
年华易逝 友情如昨 依然常系心头
花开花落 几番如梦 但愿你勿忘我

往事难忘 温馨如昨 依然荡漾心头
离别容易 相见如梦 真情常在心中

何年何日 才能相逢 重温往日旧梦
年华易逝 友情如昨 依然常系心头
悲欢岁月 依稀如梦 但愿你勿忘我


老唱片版的 When you and I were young, Maggie -小人书- 给 小人书 发送悄悄话 小人书 的博客首页 (1552 bytes) () 10/15/2008 postreply 18:40:51

多谢朋友为这歌作更详细的中文解说! -TyHongAu- 给 TyHongAu 发送悄悄话 TyHongAu 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/15/2008 postreply 19:02:02

太谢谢小人书了!你知道吗 -水云间~- 给 水云间~ 发送悄悄话 水云间~ 的博客首页 (191 bytes) () 10/15/2008 postreply 19:06:33

谢谢!您几年前听的 别就是我贴的吧? -小人书- 给 小人书 发送悄悄话 小人书 的博客首页 (1270 bytes) () 10/15/2008 postreply 19:42:23

很有可能 -水云间~- 给 水云间~ 发送悄悄话 水云间~ 的博客首页 (114 bytes) () 10/15/2008 postreply 22:33:19

流利的文笔写出感人的故事,真才女也! -tyhongau- 给 tyhongau 发送悄悄话 tyhongau 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/15/2008 postreply 21:20:32

都是大白话,惭愧:)谢谢~~ -水云间~- 给 水云间~ 发送悄悄话 水云间~ 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/15/2008 postreply 22:35:30

云清姐姐好!喜欢你的怀旧文章! -Forever_Young/- 给 Forever_Young/ 发送悄悄话 Forever_Young/ 的博客首页 (158 bytes) () 10/16/2008 postreply 07:21:57

好洋洋不哭,抱抱~~~ -水云间~- 给 水云间~ 发送悄悄话 水云间~ 的博客首页 (166 bytes) () 10/16/2008 postreply 12:01:11

在歌后面的故事是如此感人,谢谢小人书。 -johnz002- 给 johnz002 发送悄悄话 johnz002 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/16/2008 postreply 09:42:47

汉语版的听着更亲切些!谢谢小人书的好介绍! -Forever_Young/- 给 Forever_Young/ 发送悄悄话 Forever_Young/ 的博客首页 (50 bytes) () 10/16/2008 postreply 09:51:27
