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The following is my memory on watching history/Military channels.

F86 is roughly equal to MiG15. Each has its advantages and drawbacks.

F86 is equipped with 6-0.5calibre machine guns, just as the P-51 mustang. The 6 x 0.5inch (or 12.5mm) machine guns are more suitable for attacking fighters because fighters are usually smaller (so you need more bullets to increase the chance of hitting) and without armor (so you do not need cannon ball) . each gun can fire roughly 600 bullets per minute.

MiG15 was developed as an Interceptor, their main purpose is to destroy Bombers (like B29) before they can drop nuclear bombs. After 1945, that understandablly is Stalin's top priority.

So MiG15 needs cannons, to shoot the large bomber, MiG15 does not need rapid-firing small-caliber guns, instead, it needs cannon ball to penetrate the armor of those bombers.

There are usually no more than 200 F86 stationed in South Korea.

Most of the F86 were deployed in West Europe. US was not willing to re-deploy them. Because Europe is where the US's interests are.

Korean is just a divertion, that was what US believed.

Yet, the average knock-down rate (according to US) between MiG (all are MiG15 or MiG15 Bis) and UN Fighters (most of them are Jets, including some UK and AUS Jets) is roughly 7:1.

Once there was an elite Russian Division deployed for some time, some sources (not history or military channel) said the rate between that Russian Division and UN is roughly 2-3 : 1.

It is not a secret that the Chinese pilots had only 30-50 hours flying hours when they first met US pilots, who usually had 2-3000 hours. I know the US rookies should have 360 (or 320?) hours when they were allowed to graduate from school.

No doubt. Just ask ourself how we drived a car (or rided a bike) when we had 30-50 hours experience.


回复:回复:老鹰捉小鸡:当F-84遇到米格-15 -kwok- 给 kwok 发送悄悄话 kwok 的博客首页 (109 bytes) () 01/04/2008 postreply 09:47:29

楼上说F84,你说F86,看清了再说吧 -dudaan- 给 dudaan 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/04/2008 postreply 13:12:27
