Easy for you but not for EVERYONE

来源: ttmum 2008-09-26 05:30:34 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (922 bytes)
回答: 为什么母乳喂养很难?yixian2008-09-25 21:29:37
I never see ANY formula ads in TV, not even in paper ads here. I wanted to breastfeeding and was prepared for it before my baby was born. I didnt even have milk bottles for my baby after he was born, and I thought it should be easy. but it turned out not easy for me. How I wish I could breastfeed my son! But i had to give up because he couldnt gain boy weight well and stayed in 1-2% or less for 2 month and nurse warned me for the danger of low body weight gain. I ended in mixed feeding for 6 month until my son didnt want breastfeeding anymore.

there is nothing wrong to promote breastfeeding. But to me, the pressure on breastfeeding gave such a adverse power on new mums that some of them were too scared to give their baby any formula before they can acheive full breastfeeding which in turn cause the low body wight gain on baby and extra pressure on new mum which cause the low breastmilk proudction.


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