回复:又有问题请教 关于孕前准备

1. No necessary unless you have specific concern or had tried and not being able to conceive.
2. some of the vaccine is recommended because the virus is known to cause fetal defect. But not all disease carry such risk. As far as I know, insurance usually doesn't cover adult vaccination for Hepatitis B. And if you pay out of pocket, it takes 6 month to complete the three dosage.
3. Folic acid is water soluble and the excess will be discharged through urine. So it is very safe even at higher dose.
4. Get references from friend and coworker.


回复:回复:又有问题请教 关于孕前准备 -tiaotiaobao- 给 tiaotiaobao 发送悄悄话 (198 bytes) () 07/22/2008 postreply 10:07:59
