达赖是如何编造谎言煽动藏人仇恨汉人从而导致暴力的 (希望版主帮忙置顶)

来源: 听听意见 2008-04-18 06:35:23 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (10898 bytes)




“Dalai Lama, you and your government have been accusing Chinese of killing1 million Tibetans in 1959 for at least twenty years (I heard this when I was in China twenty year ago from an American after he visited Lhasa. He told me that he learnt this from a monk, that many Tibetan knew about this, and that they hate ethnic Han Chinese for this. Who wouldn’t!!! I was shocked to learn that the source of this lie is you, His Holiness after I came to America.). Could you name even One Western Tibetan scholar who backs you on this? Is it true that in 1953 while Tibet was still under your rule, the census showed that the population in Tibet was only about 1.2million? How could several thousand troops kill so many people without leaving any mass grave or other evidence? Where do today’s 2.4 million plus ethnic Tibetan in Tibet alone come from after just 40+ years,”
1.Send to your friends via e-mail with this instruction. Tell them that you are interested in their opinions about this, especially if you are a Chinese and is sending this to your American or European friends.
2.Post on BBS all over the world.
3.Edit the letter to make it yours if your want to.
4.Send to reporters and your local politicians.
5.E-mail subject could be: The other side of the story on Dalai Lama and Tibet. Tibet issues.....

To my fellow Chinese, American and European friends:

Those of you who follow the news may notice that there is lots of coverage about protests and demonstrations during the Olympic torch relay, about calls for a boycott of the Olympic games in China this summer, about the Dalai Lama and his claim of culture genocide in Tibet

Here is what I want to tell you: most of mainstream media’s reports about China are lies, are mixtures of pure fabrication, exaggeration and distortion of the truth, especially on issues of human rights and Tibet. The China portrayed by the media is not the China that I know of. As a Chinese living in America for twenty years, I am used to these kinds of lies about china, they often under the name of helping Chinese people and human rights. Every time I saw those lies on TV and newspaper, I felt hurt and angry. But I kept my silence, hoping all these will pass soon. It did not, and it gets worse. This time, it’s too much for me to take. When I saw the pictures of burning and looting in Lhasa, when I saw an innocent passer-by was brutally beaten (might be to death) by the mob in Lhasa riots, when I saw the young Chinese girl in a wheelchair holding the Olympic torch was attacked by the protesters in Paris, when I saw CNN commentator Jack Cafferty calling Chinese “basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been in the past fifty years”, my heart told me that I have to do something. Because I see hatred in those violent protesters in France, in the mobs in Lhasa and in Mr. Jack Cafferty. And who is responsible for all these hate crimes and violence? My answer is Dalai Lama, the mainstream media and the interest groups behind them. They orchestrated all these. But the one whom I blame the most is ME. It is ME who knows the truth all along but kept silent and let the lies be spread freely to provoke hate without saying a word, which makes me an accomplice.

My friends, please read my questions for the Dalai Lama that I have attached to this letter, and the references I have listed after it. I believe that you will have the same questions as me, and many more. The references would tell you the true Dalai Lama, the history of Tibet, the “invasion” in 1959, the huge progress made since then, the so called “Massacre” and “culture genocide” , and the roots of many problems it have.
The true Dalai Lama—His Holiness—isn’t the person you have been led to believe by the mainstream media, neither is the old Tibet.

My friends, this is not about the Olympic torch anymore. This is about Dr. Martin Luther King’s torch. I heard Dr. King’s name when I was a kid back in China. I have admired him ever since. He is not only a great hero for the Americans, but a great inspiration for the people all over the world, including ME who treasures peace, freedom, equality, and human rights. Should we allow Dalai Lama, a demagogue who represents feudal theocracy, an inciter of hates and violence, a religious persecutor, a political and ideological chameleon-—to be the successor to Dr. King’s torch, to be the voice and symbol for human rights, for peace, for compassion, and for justice? I consider this an insult to Dr. King, his cause, and ME.

My friends, this is also about PEACE. Should we continue to allow the mainstream media to freely spread lies and provoke hatred? We all know from history what this will eventually lead to: violence, bloodshed, and war. We all remember not long ago, when the Iraq War had just started, polls showed that 70% Americans supported the war. Now we know that they were tricked into believing that the war was necessary and justified. We should learn from history and not let this ever happen again.

My friends, YOU and ME, are empowered individuals. Truth is on our side. We have the internet. We can prevent the violence and bloodshed from happening again in Tibet and elsewhere in the world by stopping the lies and letting the truth be heard. When everybody does his or her share, the Earth will be a better place to live. We can do it! Let’s do it.

Dalai Lama, you and your government have been accusing Chinese of killing1 million Tibetans in 1959 for at least twenty years (I heard this when I was in China twenty year ago from an American after he visited Lhasa. He told me that he learnt this from a monk, that many Tibetan knew about this, and that they hate ethnic Han Chinese for this. Who wouldn’t!!! I was shocked to learn that the source of this lie is you, His Holiness after I came to America.). Could you name even One Western Tibetan scholar who backs you on this? Is it true that in 1953 while Tibet was still under your rule, the census showed that the population in Tibet was only about 1.2million? How could several thousand troops kill so many people without leaving any mass grave or other evidence? Where do today’s 2.4 million plus ethnic Tibetan in Tibet alone come from after just 40+ years, while the whole Chinese population barely doubled during this period? What is your purpose to make such claim and have your people spread it in Tibet for more than twenty years?

Dalai Lama, could you give any credible evidence that culture genocide is happening in Tibet? How come many western scholars claim that this is all nonsense? Why do the schools in your exile community in India teach in English while you are accusing Chinese government of culture genocide for teaching Chinese in the higher primary grades in Tibet? What is your intention for making such false and outrageous claim?

Dalai Lama, when you made above false claims, used your means as head of exile government and influence of your position as Buddhism God-King over ordinary religious Tibetans to make them believe these lies, what do you expect Tibetans to feel? HATRED! Right? That what you want! And you are still telling us that you have nothing to do with the riots and bloodshed, that you are for peace, compassion and freedom?

Dalai Lama, you told the Chinese community recently that Tibetan and Han Chinese are one family. How could we believe you while you have kept telling those outrageous lies to Tibetans and the world, and make people hate us? How could we ever trust you and respect you again?

Dalai Lama, for the past twenty years, you have made people in the West, and even some Chinese believe that old Tibet under your rule was a Shangri-La, a lost Paradise. How come many leading American Tibetan historians have judged that old Tibet under your rule was strikingly similar to medieval Europe, a brutal “retrograde repressive theocracy of extreme privilege and poverty”, that torture and mutilation--including the gouging out of eyes, the pulling out of tongues, hamstringing, and amputation--were favored punishments? Now your lies are all over Wikipedia. Your supporters are trying to rewrite the history.

Dalai Lama, as a Nobel Peace laureate, why do you refuse to condemn the war in Iraq? What are the reasons you can think of to justify the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi people?

Dalai Lama, in Buddhism is lying a serious crime, and “forbidden to kill” not only means not to kill by oneself but also means not to allow or make other people to kill for oneself?

Dalai Lama, in 1996, why did you ban the veneration of Dorje Shugden (a.k.a Dholgyal), a respected deity worshiped by Tibetans for 300 years? Why were those in your community who did not pledge to stop their Dorje Shugden worshipping persecuted and forced to flee, their names and addresses publicly posted, their houses burned, their lives threatened, and the monk who spoke up got stabbed? What happened since then? Would you allow international human rights organization to investigate this?
(The documentary filmed by Swiss public TV in 1998 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5sOm-uQH9Y&feature=related
An open letter to Dalai Lama http://www.cesnur.org/testi/fr99/gkg2.htm


A debate based on academic researches on Tibetan issues(including human rights, sovereignty, “culture genocide”, etc.) between an Australian teacher and director of a British pro-tibet lobby organization. (highly recommend. Both debaters are very knowledgeable, intelligent, well educated, did their homework well, and gave out the source for their claims. Very entertaining too.)

Roles governments of US and European countries played in Tibetan riots and protests of Olympic game

Roles Dalai Lama’s government played in the riots:

An appeal to Dalai Lama from a Buddhist
Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth
(this essay listed academic source for it accusations).


Good effort. But too Chinese. Don't think it'll work. -jeff333- 给 jeff333 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/18/2008 postreply 06:39:15

其实,在西藏骚乱之前 -万年月- 给 万年月 发送悄悄话 万年月 的博客首页 (2088 bytes) () 04/18/2008 postreply 07:36:54



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