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Baby Jesus

It is a very common theme among the schizophrenic patients, bipolar manic patients, and patients with psychotic symptoms to think that they are the God, Jesus Christ, Jesus second, Jesus reappear, or Holy Prophet Muhammad, messenger for Jesus and so on. Most "normal" people, especially those well trained professional mental health workers, regard these beliefs as part of the patient's hyper-religious grandiose thought. How can we prove that we are right and the patients are wrong in believing they are the God or the prophet? How do we know that Muhammad is a true prophet and that what he heard from the God is real, and not just auditory hallucination or plain malingering? How do we know that Jesus has really existed in the past, exists now, and will exist forever? We can show no proof, just like no psychotic patient can show a proof. Interesting enough, Muhammad and the psychotic patients all believe that what they heard is true. The difference is some psychotic patients with better insight can realize at times that what they heard were in fact hallucination, but Muhammad had never mentioned that he could be hallucinating and what he held true might just be the effect of some wired substance that he happened to ingested for God who knows what reason.

Any way, when most people believes that there is a God, we who do not believe will simply agree that the other people has a freedom to believe in something that can not be proved to be existing, as long as this belief is regarded to doing good, not doing harm to the society. We will not and we do not dare to label those religious people as hallucinating.

For those who do not like boring discussion, here is a hilarious story:

Once upon a time, there is a mental health clinic. All kinds of interesting patient come and go, some believes himself be Michael Jordan, some believes himself to be Bill Gates, and, not surprising at all, there are a couple of them believe themselves to be Jesus Christ. On one day, a group meeting is hold in the clinic for these patients. A pretty short and thin guy suddenly jumped onto the table and announced to the group that he is Jesus. He has done this before, and never had a problem. But unfortunately it is different this time, because there is another guy in this group also self identified as Jesus. Even more unfortunately, the second guy is much taller and stronger than the first guy. The big guy jumped onto the table too, stared into the small guy’s eyes and confronted: “I, am Jesus!” This is really surprising for the small guy, he stunned there for few seconds, and then replied firmly “then I am baby Jesus!” The doctor holding the group almost burst into laughter for this fast and clever response. “It seems that he still has some insight.” , the doctor thought. Since that day, that guy was kind of cured; he never claimed he was Jesus again. Instead, he has truly believed that he was Baby Jesus, and he has lived happy since then, forever.

That is the story of the creation of a Baby Jesus. —The end.


老河,可我没看懂耶 -淑女司令- 给 淑女司令 发送悄悄话 淑女司令 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/10/2008 postreply 20:23:57

司令没看懂啥,给你看一堆神经病的笑话,乐死人.... -lanyi- 给 lanyi 发送悄悄话 lanyi 的博客首页 (1478 bytes) () 10/10/2008 postreply 20:41:51

噢还因为你另有深意呢 -淑女司令- 给 淑女司令 发送悄悄话 淑女司令 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/10/2008 postreply 20:44:22

这种题目,不敢有深意。只是一个笑话,不是寓言。 -riverside- 给 riverside 发送悄悄话 riverside 的博客首页 (129 bytes) () 10/10/2008 postreply 21:32:52

英文的确更有劲,就是读起来扎眼些. -木木真木- 给 木木真木 发送悄悄话 木木真木 的博客首页 (84 bytes) () 10/11/2008 postreply 01:07:43

对不起,跟错了地方了,我说我一直犯晕吗,跟着兰衣的贴 -淑女司令- 给 淑女司令 发送悄悄话 淑女司令 的博客首页 (27 bytes) () 10/10/2008 postreply 23:17:55

新来同事有名耶稣者,墨裔也。搓麻胡遂为楹联云: -麻将的出局- 给 麻将的出局 发送悄悄话 麻将的出局 的博客首页 (36 bytes) () 10/10/2008 postreply 21:41:39

巧得很,墨裔的那个J读音很象“胡” -riverside- 给 riverside 发送悄悄话 riverside 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/10/2008 postreply 21:49:09

回复:巧得很,墨裔的那个J读音很象“胡” -麻将的出局- 给 麻将的出局 发送悄悄话 麻将的出局 的博客首页 (56 bytes) () 10/11/2008 postreply 17:29:18

顶河边幽默好文。 -安贝儿- 给 安贝儿 发送悄悄话 安贝儿 的博客首页 (137 bytes) () 10/11/2008 postreply 09:03:25

除了有幻觉跟现实脱离,思维还是有滴,哈哈。 -金笔- 给 金笔 发送悄悄话 金笔 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/11/2008 postreply 09:40:29

这个高! -"我"- 给 (0 bytes) () 10/11/2008 postreply 11:04:15



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