回复:正好十月份想去玩, 能不能介绍一下都去了那里,住在那。

回答: Lake GeorgeYcart2007-09-12 15:40:19

我们住的小镇叫 Diamond Point, between town of Bolton Landing and Lake George Village. 9号路及9N沿途有很多lodges, motels and small resorts. 我们是提前订的 (提供早餐). If you search touris website about Lake George, there should plenty of information. Some places have kitchens.

我们不是水上运动爱好者,所以不了解各种船类的出租价格。很多住宿的地方有private beach (like the one we stayed), 客人可以免费使用主人提供的kayak, rowboats or canoes etc.

We mainly just drove and walked around and played golf. You can also take cruise on the lake. There is Museum of Fort William Henry if you are interested in history of the French and Indian Wars and the Revolutionary War. And there are Six Flags and some other waterpark close by too.


多谢! 多谢! 出去了两天, 回来刚看到会帖。 -naixindian- 给 naixindian 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/15/2007 postreply 11:54:51
