That's true, but...

回答: absolute power=>absolute corruptionTaiwanIsPartOfChina2007-10-22 14:31:32

Sorry, I am too slow typing up Chinese.
First, I am a "Chinese" born and raised in Taiwan. I cannot stand "Taidu". I think the only reason those guys say they are not Chinese is that their grand/parents grew up under the Japanese occupation when Japan was rather advanced at the time, and they had admirations towards their masters and looked down on the Chinese from the mainland.

Democracy really depends on a sound system that has checks and balances so that no one can get too much power and easily abuse it. The foundation of democracy is that all men are created equal.

People in Taiwan unfortunately do not have the necessities to make it work so far. But the system is supposedly there.

The CCP has absolute power. I am sure that Hu and upper echelons are dedicated to the country (So was C.K. Chiang in Taiwan). As to "all men are created equal", I am not sure that people in mainland China will freely express what they really think about everything.
