
来源: HCC 2007-03-01 12:36:07 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (3618 bytes)
回答: 回复:向主張両岸維持現状的台湾人嗆声HCC2007-02-28 14:04:15
Well, I guess I’ll need to at least thank you for taking the time to translate what I wrote.


Alright, here: you keep talking about the “adverse effects,” but what are they? I have done some research and studies on this issue, and I think I can tell you this: there is none.

Mainland has been fine without Taiwan for 50 years. Taiwan also has been fine without mainland for 50 years. And, if you think about it deeper: the separation of Taiwan from mainland 50 years ago was a good thing. This separation maintained the economic viability of Taiwan, which later led Taiwan into becoming an international economic power. In the past 15 years, Taiwan has invested heavily back into mainland (some sources say that Taiwan is the largest investor in mainland). This would not have been possible if Taiwan fell into the hands of the CCP 50 years ago.

After 50 years, would a unification be helpful to both sides today? It could be, but I don’t think the time is right yet. So, why don’t we wait until the time is right, instead of forcing unification immediately, and forcing Taiwanese to choose an undemocratic government?


Diaoyutai was already in the hands of the Japanese, whether you like it or not. Even if the CCP controls Taiwan today, there would still be no way of forcing the Japanese to voluntarily give up the island…unless you want to go to war with Japan. This is an entirely different issue that’s not really relevant to the topic above. If you’d like, we can discuss it another time.


“Authoritarian dictatorship” is not a term that I invented. It is a term used by the international community. For instance, see http://www.infoplease.com/toptens/worstdictators.html (World’s top 10 dictators)

You wrote a lot in this paragraph, although I saw no substance whatsoever. What are you trying to say? That Taiwan should unify with the mainland tomorrow? Or do you not think that Taiwan had attempted to discuss unification with the mainland? Are you completely unaware of the efforts made during the 1990s in the KMT era? Did you not know that Taiwan was willing to discuss “one country, two governments,” “one country, two areas,” “Chinese confederation,” “Chinese commonwealth,” “one future China,” “unification, Germany model,” “unification, Korea model,” “EU model,” “the greater Chinese market and tariff system” with the CCP? Have you ever read Taiwan's National Unification Guidelines? (If not, you can see a copy here: http://www.mac.gov.tw/big5/mlpolicy/gnu.htm )

Taiwan under the KMT administration was willing to do all that, but that didn’t matter. CCP rejected all of these proposals, and missed the historical opportunity altogether. Who should we blame? I’d say the idiots in the mainland government back then.

But, if you are lucky, there might be another chance in 2008. Of course, that’s if the CCP doesn’t miss this chance again.


When I talk to other people, I’d like to make sure they know what they are talking about. “Emotion”? There has been too much emotion, and too little rationality or reason in this forum. Emotion without reason is a dangerous thing. I think the 1966-1976 era was a good example of that.


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