
来源: HCC 2007-02-22 10:06:14 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (2308 bytes)
If you insist on responding twice, I think I should do the same.


Nope. You have completely misread and misunderstood what I wrote. Did you even read what I wrote?

Let's use Korea as an example:

If I were Korean, I'd much, much rather unify under ROK (South Korea) than DPRK (North Korea). It very well may be true that North Korea had the guts to take on the world. It very well may also be true that North Korea had nuclear and ICBMs, but so what? The standard of living between the north and the south is large, and not just in the material aspects.

Now, imagine the North Korea demanding an unification under DPRK, demanding all other countries to isolate South Korea, banning South Korea from the international community, and accusing South Korea for causing separatism.

The same is true to Taiwan and the mainland.


Yes, but that's not the problem. The problem is how the mainland government does it. You and many, many others fail to recognize this: mainland's Taiwan policy simply sucks. Mainland may have a right to keep Taiwan from leaving, but the way mainland does it is simply ineffective. The current Taiwan policy is arcane, impractical, and counter-productive. As a result, the exact opposite is happening: more and more Taiwanese people wanted to leave.

Let's see how the Koreans do it:
South Korea implemented what's known as the "sunshine policy." Under this policy, South Korea welcomed and embraced North Korea. It brought North Korea into the international community, assisted North Korea in gaining a seat in the UN, and provided numerous types of aids to North Korea. What happened as a result? The two Koreas have come closer as a result. In fact, the two have joined force against other countries (i.e.: US). By welcoming North Korea like the warm sun-shine, South Korea was able to pull North Korea in closer.

There is a lot to be learned from this example. Threats, isolation and wars are not the way to go. Understanding, patience, and tolerance are much more powerful weapons. Mainland had used too little of them and too much intimidation. It is time to change.


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