don't play the "stronger one", if u want to win him over

my good friend (a boy) use to have the dilemma of choosing btw 2 girls, exactly like your situation.

he gave up the one he loved better and chose the 'poorer' one, as he thought she could not live without him. (while the other girl has a very decent job making tons of $$).

i anyhow blamed him for hooding up with two girls at once, feeling he is not honest. -- he wants to get all: he wants too much love and he wants to be "moral" at the same time. this is actually an indication of being greedy.

back to the topic. man loves the "weaker" girl. if you want to win him over, play weak. -- this would make he feel like he is kind of a god saving you. men finally choose the one that make them feel like a saver. this has nothing to do with which one they love better.

and remember, if he finally does not offer you marriage. leave him ASAP. or he would continue to torture your feeling by saying-- even i marry that poor girl, i marry her out of responsibilty. and the one i truely love is you... this kind of bullshit would futher ruin your life.


exactly! Men are different from women in many ways. -motheroffour- 给 motheroffour 发送悄悄话 motheroffour 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/12/2007 postreply 19:12:23

我想我已经输了。一切都是我的梦,我不了解男人。 -与尔同消万古愁- 给 与尔同消万古愁 发送悄悄话 与尔同消万古愁 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/13/2007 postreply 00:23:30
