仔细看了一下, 发现她的演讲深投老美喜好,主要元因有 2;

1) 赞杨一下美国人最为行以为豪的林肯4个自由,和介绍一个中国2000千年前的故事 , 使老美乐滋滋地迷上了.
2) 她演讲的修词和语气感觉就像是在竞选演说, 如;
It is up to you and to me to take to heart the lesson of "Rub-the-mirror" pavilion.
( “to take to heart” = 老记).

So, my friends, I feel that it is necessary for us not only to have ideals and to proclaim that we have them, it is necessary that we act to implement them. (Applause.) And so to you ……. ( I just love this part, very well done!).

because we want to see it that they do not echo as empty phrases, but became realities for ourselves, for our children, for our children’s children, and for all mankind. (100% 竞选演说的气派,用语)

