Ways to avoid motion sickness :

If you are motion sickness prone, there are a few precautions you can take to prevent it.

1) Supposedly the most effective one - take Ginger pills a week BEFORE your trip, and continue thru the cruise. You can get ginger pills at Health Supplement Stores. This is derived from traditional Chinese medicine. Many swore it works better than other methods.

2) Wear wrist bands (put pressure on the accupuncture point) - A woman at our lunch table said it worked well for her. However, the hu*****and of the couple next to our dining table on the first night wore wrist band on each wrist, AND had to take some pills before dinner. Still he could not last past the soup and salad course, left his wife to finish dinner by herself.

3) Wear ear patches - I think this should work for most people. Many years ago when I suffered vertigo because viral infection in my ears, the doctor prescribed me ear patches to help the vertigo. The ear patch releases medication steadily and continuously to make the medication work all the time.

4) Take oral medications - Antidopamine and Antihistamines are the most commonly prescribed.

this link describes the drugs used to prevent motion sickness.

