随时看到自己的准确方位 - absolutely agree.

回答: 鼓励使用GPS闲得无聊2006-12-08 13:21:03

We always re-affirm our position after intersection, switch freeway, etc etc There may be occasions we made a wrong turn and could not return to the right direction immediately due to the environment - but we know we make a mistake almost immediately - there is no situation we would drive longer than a few miles without realize we make a mistake, precisely because we know where we SHOULD be.

We can pinpoint where we are down to the range within 1 to 2 miles.

To some, GPS would be a great tool. To us, it may not add much more advantage than what we can do now with a good map.

It probably depends on individuals - we mainly feel Maps offer a much more complete view than the very limited, localized view of GPS. Having the ability to drive in a new location/city/country immediately after arrival is a gift and I realize not everyone can do that.
