Need light - w/o light, SCUBA cannot really take good pix

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回答: 感恩节 COZEMUL学潜水Pollyli2006-12-02 19:36:18

You are very lucky to be able to dive at Red Sea - it is famous for its soft coral. I have no guts to go to Egypt - just too politically unstable for me.

I believe your LG - that Red Sea is more beautiful than Great Barrier Reef.

I haven't been at Palau - but it is said they have very beautiful soft coral at rather shallow depth.

My sister in law said Bonaire is extraordinarily beautiful. You know the ABC for diving - Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao - she dove Bonaire and Curacao and said Bonaire is better.

Cayman Islands are another MUST do places because of the Wall Diving - sheer drop of thousand feet... Cozumel too, and Cozumel has the wonderful drift diving.
