PS - dont believe in the basic prices the vendors quote

来源: Lvtotravel 2006-11-22 18:04:30 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1157 bytes)
Once you add up all the necessarily accessories, the costs can become quite a lot more than the basic prices.

The general suggestions are:

1) rent one for a short trip to see if you like to travel this style, and how comfortable you feel driving such a thing.

2) buy used instead of new. they depreciate quickly.

These Q&A on financing say a lot about how much it might cost:

Is Financing an RV More Similar to Financing a Car or a House?

RV financing is more similar to financing a house.
You can essentially consider RVs as homes on wheels.
Is The Interest on My RV Loan Tax Deductible (like on a home)?

Most likely - your RV may qualify for some of the same tax benefits as a second home mortgage.
Check with your tax advisor, but basically to qualify for these benefits, such as the deductibility of interest on the loan, the RV must be used as security for the loan along with providing basic living accommodations such as a sleeping area, bathroom and cooking facilities.
Remember, the RV is considered a qualified second residence as long as you designate it for each tax year.



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