wow, this is a pretty strong "punishment"

本文内容已被 [ Lvtotravel ] 在 2006-11-14 12:21:44 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.
回答: 最近,这里下了第一场大雪,害得我车祸VCPP2006-11-13 22:17:12

Years ago we had an accident in Canada - purely our fault as LD was too smart when he saw a sign that was one-way due to road repair - what he did not see was, it was opened to local traffic two-way!!!

We had a side-swipe with a very very low speed (thankfully). The other car was a jeep of some sort and only got a fender bender - her front bumper got some dents, that was all. Our poor Camry got its left rear panel completely smashed.

Our insurance company paid both damages after the fraud dept called TWICE from different staff to make sure this was not a scam, that it was truly our fault which we told them (State Farm is our insurer) each time. Afterwards, our premiums did not go up, but we also did not receive any premium reductions should it happened, in the following 5 years.


Thanks for sharing the story. Yeah, I'll deal with them. -VCPP- 给 VCPP 发送悄悄话 VCPP 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/14/2006 postreply 10:52:23
