盛大的市-长-大-人旅-行-日(Lord Mayor’s Show)

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市-长-大-人旅-行-日(Lord Mayor’s Show)

The first recorded Mayor of London was Henry Fitz-Ailwyn 1189. Since then, some 700 men and one woman have over the centuries held the position of chief officer of the City of London.

The title 'Lord Mayor' is purely customary, but of great age. In the Latin of the thirteenth century 'dominus major' is found, and in English 'Lord Mair' in 1414. By the sixteenth century the prefix 'Right Honourable' was in use.

The most famous of them all is Dick Whittington, who held office three times, in 1397, 1406 and 1419. Contrary to popular belief, Dick Whittington was not a poor, ill-treated orphan who managed against all the odds to work his way up to Lord Mayor. Coming from a wealthy family, Richard Whittington had a successful business and civic career before he became Lord Mayor. As for the black cat which supposedly helped him found his fortune by ridding the King of the Barbary Coast of a plague of rats, while no-one is quite sure how this part of the myth grew up, the fact is that Dick Whittington carved out a successful business career in a very practical way as a mercer (dealer in costly fabrics such as silk), wool merchant and royal financier.

Although the legend of Dick Whittington may not bear close scrutiny, the Lord Mayor has throughout the centuries played a vital role in the life of the City of London and continues to do so today. In the City, the Lord Mayor ranks immediately after the sovereign and acts as the capital's host in Guildhall and Mansion House, his official residence. On behalf of the City and the nation he carries out numerous engagements at home and abroad. Although in former years a person could become Lord Mayor as many times as the electorate would vote him in - Dick Whittington being such an example - nowadays one year of such demanding activity is considered enough.

The right of citizens to elect their own Mayor dates from the Charter granted by King John to the City in 1215, and in the same year Magna Carta specified that the City would retain all its ancient liberties. The election of Lord Mayor is held at the end of September each year in the Great Hall of Guildhall. The assembly, known as Common Hall, consists of all liverymen of at least one year's standing together with certain high officers of the City. All aldermen who have served the office of sheriff and who have not already been Lord Mayor are eligible.


2 英国的军-队


3 英国传-统服-装



5 小丑



7 邮差也参-加了


9 女海-盗,别忘了英国海-盗可是有名的,他们可是搞这个起家的。


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