
来源: HCC 2006-12-10 00:53:10 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1605 bytes)
Yes, mainlanders did not have the burden of the Chinese traditions. That's why 30 million mainlanders starved to death from 1958-61, while another several millions died during 1966-1976. Surely the Chinese traditions are all bad...why else would a dummy like you ever be born and have the chance to demonstrate what a complete idiot and moron you are here on WXC?

And yeah, the mainland surpassed Taiwan on modernization...that's why it took mainland an additional 30 years to catch up to where Taiwan was 30 years ago! Have you no brain?

Are you trying to tell me that traditional characters prevented the spread of the Chinese culture to foreigners? You dummy! Spend some time in a foreign country, will ya? Ask people, and you ought to know, that most of the foreigners come to know about Chinese culture from HKers or Taiwanese! Foreigners got more acquainted with the mainland from the cultural revolution, the great famine, and the communist who'd shoot their own people!

You are not the majority of the Chinese people. You are but another brainless idiot who think you represent the people...when you are nothing but a mere tool of the government, too ignorant to be able to think for yourself. You are exactly the same as those who aided the Japanese during 1937-1945 -- thinking you are the owner of your own country, when, in fact, you are nothing but a pet of the powerful.

But I am not mad at you. Instead, I pity you. One day when this is all over, and when you look back, you'll then understand -- you were a compltete fool on this day.


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