
来源: thrawn 2006-10-03 14:03:53 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (14728 bytes)
1. Poor, want better opportunity, Foreign influences, etc..

2. Poor environment, but getting better as vaccine now given to children

3. Because of war and poverty, similar to #2.

4. Mix together these two types are confusing and misleading. Fix your numbers for each before u try to manipulate words.

5. PRC has 80% farmers but does it mean all 80% are poor? Again, you attempted to play around with numbers.

6. Quoting outdated data is your mistake

7. They are still changing. Corruption also played a part in this.

8. You try to create 10 million jobs every year

9. Again, quoting outdated data don't get a response

10. Corruption, traffic congestion

11. Too much beauracracy and too many officials; corruptions

12. see #11

13. because that's what they do internally for stability. They corrected the second day which was already an improvement. For Thailand's question, ask Thailanders.

14. Outdated data again

15. outdated data again

16. Did Soviet Union really wanted all these independence? Don't confuse what they want and what they couldn't really stop.

17. ROC wasn't gone but it isn't representing China any more after the civil war. Civil war to change dynasty happened a lot in China's history. CCP wasn't wrong in saying PRC represent China but it never said ROC was destroyed.

18. Because 孫中山 is father of ROC, not China, but he is the first to start the revolution against the Qing. The fact that CCP still honored him is saying much already.

19. History is written by winners.

20. Due to inefficiency, top-level corruptions and protection of low-level supporters. Bad execution of the law.

21. too many people in the military. Trying to paid them all high salaries is a danger to existing economy. Also affects training, and other issues.

22. Got any evidences all leaders in the miltiary are rich? How many battles PRC military leaders have won and lost?

23. by the looks of your question, you lack basic military knowledge. A waste of time to answer you. Come to the Military forum and ask again

24. Again, a stupid military question

25. Because Ho Chi Minh died. Ho Chin Minh was friendly to PRC and learned much from it, unlike his nationlistic followers who regarded China as its traditional enemy

26. Outer Mongolia was separted by Soviet Union during ROC reign in China. PRC was also forced to recognize Outer Monglia in an exchange to get control of Dalian railroad and north-east ports back from USSR. Mongolia was independent because of its nobles under USSR influence. Later they regretted the
independence but by then USSR control of Outer Mongolia was too great. They were put down USSR.

27. Because PRC don't have enough advance ships to do so against Japan & US. Take a look at the current news and you will see differences.

28. Again, it was part of the deal to get back control of Dalian Railroad and north-east sea ports from USSR.

29. because of a couple of crazed military generals this had happened. Also the leaders of the students inflamed the physical fights at the last night while they had prior knowledge of possible military action and fled already. Also, the concept of riot control was new to PRC. Now it has learned how to deal with them non-lethally.

30. ROC wasn't a country in PRC's view as well as US doing a double standard: realizing one-china and PRC as its representive while selling arms to ROC and trying to fuel cross strait arms race.

31. Again, Taiwan was part of China's history as recent as the Qing Dynasty. It was returned to China after WWII. Even though it was ROC who had accepted, PRC continue to accept that. According to WHO charter, only a recognized country by UN would be qualified to enter. ROC isn't a country recgonzied by the UN

32. ROC is not a country and their occupied land, Taiwan, should be part of China. The purpose of them entering UN was to take Taiwan away from China therefore cannot be allowed by the recognized representative of China, PRC.

33. See answers above and stop asking the same kind of questions over and over again.

34. 兩岸和平means PRC not fight, and ROC not independent. Since ROC wanted others to recognize itself as an independent country, then they are doing their part of the cross-strait peace. So PRC fight against ROC's independence from China is not wrong if you look at it in PRC's view.

35. outdated data again

36. Both sides live off of each other. A coexist force and potential path for a peaceful resolution of cross-strait relations

37. old names and tradition are hard to change. Perhaps they will but not yet.

38. again old data. Look at the recent land treaty signed by Russia and PRC. Also, PRC won't fight a bloody battle for the Pearl Island if they are like what you said.

39. capitalism and lack of judicial control. Also 貧困的其中2億農民? #5 you had written differently.

40. is being corrected as we speak

41. US also took away China's interests after WWII. As well as handing over Diaoyu island to Japan. Many Chinese like US, like to travel there, study there. Right now, there many who don't like US but that US brought that to itself by its War on Terror. Who say Russia buy less Chinese products? Also if supply advance weapons to PRC while Western countries abstained, would you anger them? If both countries national interests match and a friendly neighbor is better than a hateful neighbor, why need to hate each other and give western countries opportunities to divide and conquer?

42. Not really, many strategical manuevers was done as well by making friends with its enemies/rivals. Also the hateful government of Indonia is gone. A more friendly one is there now. Just need to curb its almost independent Indonian military branch with power projection while giving humanitarian assistance to help foster a better opinion among its populace.

43. Still in the process of building more advanced toilets. You try building that many in a land size as big as PRC in a short time.

44. Don't think that is true anymore

45. Seen the news on recent sex stores and sex education in PRC? Or the start of condom dispensing machines?

46. Too much capitalism and not enough moral values. Also prostitutes are illegal in PRC therefore no reason to have health control. If it was legal, then it's another story.

47. More and more people question Mao's successes and mistakes. One of these days, CCP will have to talk about this thing when the political atmosphere requires

48. Because of Deng's let coastal city get rich first, then spread to inner China. Now under Hu, inner China is transforming

49. Internal needs and global political needs are different. There are amounts sets for internal budgets. Of course corruption also eats these budgets. External global needs are necessary to maintain a friendly global image. Important for economy and global political clout.

50. Open market economy. Japan was one of the first to do invest in China. But you don't hear there are chinese who don't buy Japanese products? Some do, some doesn't. All depends on a person.

51. war is over. We won and Japan lost. We can still hold a grudge but doesn't make sense not to accept their factories. It helps with unemployment and a good source for new technology. As long as they don't saying anything stupid about chinese while in PRC, they are welcome to stay.

52. History Revisions are now in progress to give ROC more direct roles in WWII against Japan. In war, one will use all strategies to win. Winners write history, however skewed. Luckily, unbiased view is in demand more and more now.

53. Ever seen Japan vessels arrest many Chinese fishing boats? Seen the recent news?

54. CCP like to do these blame games. But there were PLA hurt during the rioting from bricks and flaming cocktails. There is no 國格 about history and such recognized by the UN or an international law against such things.

55. 正統練習氣功? Don't even get me started on this. First its concept of Fa Lun was borrowed Buddhism DIRECTLY, then its so called Qi Gong was borrowed from various sources traditional Chinese Qi Gong and put together without professional direction. Even in Fa Lun Gong's own newspaper when describing first practicing their Qi Gong, they say their whole body hurt like hell. No 正統 Qi Gong would cause such pain when practicing it. You want to learn good Qi Gong and find good spiritualism, go become a Buddist.

56. If Tibet was in PRC's control, can its religious leader have 9000民兵? They are religious leaders, not warlords. there will be no Al Sadir's army mock ups. Because how much power these religious leaders had over Tibetans (considering in old times, these leaders FORCED everyone in Tibet to believe in Tibet Buddism or face death), it was necessary to control them in order to bring stability to Tibet. If they didn't start their rebellion, there wouldn't be any need to 逃難.

57. Examples of bad beaucracy. Correcting.

58. Looking down upon, doesn't mean want to kill them. If not kill but live in peace then it is 共和. Dissolving regional bias is the next on the agenda

59. in the process of correcting

60. in the process of correcting

61. because CCP fear for itself. More and more people do realize, but many are still too poor to care. Even those who are behind can learn to catch up. There is alwasy hope for a better future these days.

62. No idea

63. outdated info

64. need to restructure education. Also PRC is focusing more on military innovations than for the public. Those don't have a nobel prize to give to. Some in public research could have, but data was stolen by others. Intellectual property laws needed to be enforced more.

65. asked this question already

66. in the process of correcting

67. with internet, a new revolution is in process

68. in the process of correcting. With Afgan the biggest opium producers next door, it gets harder to control

69. in the process of correcting

70. big projects always have dangers. To built the big projects, dangers must be considered and dealth with or lowered to its least damaging potential. Since PRC is faced with much shortage of electricity. This project needs to be considered.

71. corruptions, and many of these in debt national business are being replaced by mroe successful private ones

72. restructure of education and raise innovation spirits. Hu had said this already, let us see if can do.

73. Needs more money. 08 seemed to be its best opporunity.

74. Japan started to build its economy early and using money it took from WWII, rebuilt itself. For 25 years, it didn't need to maintain a military (under US direct military protection/occupation) so it can focus on its economy. How many peaceful years did PRC had after WWII to do so? How much wealth PRC had after Japan took China's wealth during the WWII and ROC took its gold to Taiwan after the civil war?

75. As long as both sides' military had left the border and trusts each other more, it won't matter how many leagues both retreated. A difference of 400 leagues in modern day warfare isn't much of a retreat anyway.

76. in the process of changing slowly. Change too fast causes social collapse

77. old habits die hard and also polite more saying this way

78. old habits die hard. Medias from both sides likes to broadcast negative news of each other and blacken the positives. It is changing for PRC but not so much for ROC

79. Look at this forum before asking such things

80. Who said they didn't do so separately?

81. same reasons why there are sucides in the world. Different pressures vs. weak willed humans.

82. see answer for condom dispenser machine and increasing sex education for young people

83. If ROC is a recognized country, they can hold their flags. But they are not. When both sides can reach a resolution then these things won't happen anymore.

84. A biased view taught by GMD to young people of Taiwan. And now even these young people don't like GMD but they still use that biased view to look at PRC? How conflicting is this?

85. Are u kidding me? Chen himself was indicated in these corruptions, how can he be given 帶領臺灣走出黑金政治的希望? 不要支持陳水扁=正好對照出大陸的 惡霸嘴臉和可惡本質? Isn't ROC democractic where people can express different views without being politicized? Didn't you just wrote 臺灣的新一代年輕人才不管什麼統獨,上一代的人對大陸有國仇家恨,關我們臺灣什麼事? If so then why write 正好對照出大陸的 惡霸嘴臉和可惡本質 and refuted 關我們臺灣什麼事?

86. Sure, Iran did so, but US now want to attack Iran not those 幸災樂禍 Chinese students. Ironic? These 幸災樂禍 Chinese students knew how US had treated the muslim worlds in the past and now they just got hit back for the first time in history by muslims. Don't they also think it is ironic. Also expressing this irony isn't the same 幸災樂禍.

87. outdated info

88. oudated news about Hong Kong. The other is changing. It is common sense for people who mistrusts their governments will also mistrusts its numbers. PRC policies wasn't too open as well which added to the mystery of its numbers.

89. outdated info

90. oudated info

91. Capitalism competition with a twist. Now westerners fear the Chinese are becoming even more Capitalist than they are. Ironic?

92. don't know. What is its financial situation now?

93. already happened and the stocks went down. In process of correcting.

94. Is there a question in there?

95. Because if 提醒你 then its strategy would be exposed?

96. Is there a question in there?

97. Is there a question in there?

98. Because culture and social environments. Chinese can change in China if given the right environments and enforced by its government. It is getting underway, starting with Hu's government

99. Most of its money still goes to its military techs. Recently, more money had been given to civilians techs.

100. That you have to take a Taiwanese poll. Just as I said, these numbers don't mean too much if the people mistrust its government. How many Taiwanese mistrust Chen's government on economy? Will they believe the "rosy" numbers you given to them?


thrawn辛苦了,能否麻烦你起个标题单独发一帖,我好置顶,谢谢 -抛弃幻想- 给 抛弃幻想 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/03/2006 postreply 14:34:29

:) ok -thrawn- 给 thrawn 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/03/2006 postreply 15:40:29

比Q8转载的陈年老帖,负责多了 -灵魂附体- 给 灵魂附体 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/03/2006 postreply 15:09:30



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