回复:关于EB1A 新闻报道的一点experience

来源: SureUcan 2006-07-26 14:35:01 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (733 bytes)
我上一个EB1A 的申请,递交了以下新闻媒体关于我的报道: NYTimes, MSN News, LA Times, AP, CP (Canadnian Press), 和许多local的媒体,结果审查的人不承认这一条,理由是所有媒体报道的是同一个成就,所以不能成为广泛报道和知名成就的理由.当时觉得实在是不make sense.

You need to distinguish the reports of you and reports about your work. If the reports are about how your work is important, not focused on yourself (of course, including your works as well), they may not admit it.

The requirements for EB1-EA are not changed, but they are very picky now. Like publication, if you only show them you have several papers without any other support, likely they will deny it. Same for judging other's work.


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