
来源: lovewind 2006-06-25 08:23:30 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1535 bytes)

Usually it should be no problem. When you land, the INS officer should launch your maple card application once you give them your Canadian address, which is your friend's address. In the rare case they refused to do that for you (that happened to me), you need to call the Canada INS to apply for that on the phone. I heard that you might not be able to call that number if you are outside canada. So it is better to do that when you are there.
You don't need to have interview for that maple card. Very likely, they will initiate that process when you land.
Mine took 6 -7 weeks. My hu*****and hasn't gotten him although we landed at the same time. He got a letter from INS saying that his photo (which we submitted when we applied) was not qualified. He was asked to go to some place in Canada to re-take that photo. We haven't figured out when or whether he should go for that.
One thing that I need to point out is, you are not supposed to leave Canada before you receive your maple card. If you have to leave, make sure that you have the right document for that. I was told that we can't enter Canada without maple card after we landed. From US to Canada in a non-commerical vehicle is fine. I was told that I can use my landing paper under that circumstance. But in other cases, you might jeopardize your permanent residency.
Good luck.


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