also u didn't give me an

来源: thrawn 2005-06-08 14:26:31 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (735 bytes)
address for the "hanjian" site.

I would be fascinated to see how they (mis)treat you. One wonders if their sense of fair play would allow a sensible communist like you to debate with them.

For those extreme in their views (Steven u are borderlined but probably not extreme as those whom u are introducing me to), debates of any kind is practically useless. They are too in trenched in their singular views to admit mistakes and widen their knowledge about human nature and human politics. Arguing with them using words of reason may be just a waste of time, but I can always try a little to see. I tried with u, but u seem just like to instigate arguments to have a bit of fun on internet mostly (but that's ok :) ).


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